Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1702 Meeting Mu Siya

Chapter 1702 Meeting Mu Siya
Su Qingyao now has enough money in her hands, so she won't be reluctant to decorate the shop.

She invests a penny now, and the return will be ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times in the future.

If you are not so short-sighted, you will not limit your immediate interests.

The store is run by Su Qingyao alone, and Su Qingyao has spent a lot of thought on the decoration design.

Fortunately, the craftsmen in this capital are also quite powerful, and they can generally make them according to Su Qingyao's ideas.

Soap and toothpaste, after this period of operation, have already accumulated some fame in the Great Zhou Kingdom.

So Su Qingyao is not afraid that there will be no business after the store opens.

Su Qingyao discovered after observation that Kyoto also has soap, toothpaste, and skin care products.

But because it is resold, the price is slightly higher.

As soon as she opened her shop, these resellers didn't have any advantage, and they naturally stopped after they couldn't make much money.

When she was busy with the shop, Mrs. Cao also helped a lot. Basically, Mrs. Cao went to help with any chores that needed help when decorating the store, and by the way, she helped with the decoration of the store.

Before I knew it, I stayed in Kyoto for more than half a month.

Su Qingyao is very busy these days, and she is dedicated to the store.

Until one day, Su Qingyao met Mu Siya on the street.

When Mu Siya saw Su Qingyao on the street, she thought her eyes were dazzled, and she made a mistake. After taking a closer look, it was Su Qingyao!
She actually came to Kyoto?
Mu Siya was surprised and happy at the same time, and hurried to Su Qingyao, and said hello, "Yao'er, is that you?"

Su Qingyao also saw Mu Siya and smiled, "Ya'er!"

"Ah, it's really you. I thought I was mistaken. Yao'er, why didn't I know when you came to the capital?" Mu Siya muttered.

Su Qingyao laughed, "I came to Kyoto to open a soap shop!"

"So that's the case, Yao'er, how long have you been here?"

"It's been about half a month!"

Mu Siya curled her lips and pretended to be angry, "Yao'er, you've been in the capital for so long, why don't you come and play with me? Do you still consider me a friend?"

Su Qingyao explained apologetically, "Aren't you afraid of disturbing you?

Besides, I've been busy with the store's affairs these days, thinking that I'd wait until the store is settled before looking for you, but I didn't expect to meet you on the street today. "

Mu Siya's anger dissipated a lot, but she still deliberately said with a straight face, "What are you bothering me? I was worried that no one would accompany me, and you came just in time, so you can spend some time with me.

You can also be busy with your work, just say a few words with me. "

Su Qingyao said with a smile, "Okay, Ya'er, since you talk about it, I will often play with you in the future."

"That's right!" A smile appeared on Mu Siya's face.

In Kyoto, she doesn't have many friends.

Because of her status, those ladies from all over the world like to flatter and flatter her, and some of them are very scheming. Mu Siya is very tired when she is with these people, and you don't want to have much anxiety at all.

But Su Qingyao is different.

Mu Siya found it very interesting to be with Su Qingyao.The two treated each other frankly, just like ordinary friends, but Mu Siya felt a little more cordial than ordinary people.

After the two happened to bump into each other, they chatted together.

It's been such a long time since we saw each other, but a lot of things have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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