Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1704 Good Effect

Chapter 1704 Good Effect

"Yao'er, you are too beautiful today, aren't you?" Mu Siya was fascinated after seeing Su Qingyao, she couldn't bear to look away, and stared at Su Qingyao carefully, no matter how she looked at her, she felt very beautiful.

There is really no woman in the entire capital who is more beautiful than Su Qingyao.

Thinking about it, she has seen a lot of beauties. Before, she thought Su Qingyao was very good-looking. Now that she is dressed like this, it is even more icing on the cake, like a fairy in the sky.

Su Qingyao couldn't help being amused by Mu Siya, "Am I usually not beautiful?"

"Usually you are beautiful, but today you are even more beautiful. Yaoer, you are already pretty enough without dressing up, but when you are dressed up, anyone who comes to you will be overshadowed.

Hey, I don't even dare to stand next to you, I'm completely overwhelmed by you. "

Mu Siya felt that she should be considered good-looking, but compared with Su Qingyao, she was obviously much worse.

"Ya'er, you are such a sycophant, how could you be so exaggerated, in comparison, I am not as good-looking as you.

I look like this today with my makeup.It will look great too if you use it. "

After being told by Su Qingyao, Mu Siya became very interested in Su Qingyao's cosmetics.

The effect is so good, if this is the case, then everyone should like it very much if it is sold to those celebrities today.

Mu Siya said, "Haha, okay, Yao'er, then you can use it later. Let's go in quickly, there are quite a few people here."


The two walked together to the back garden where the Mu family held a banquet.

These celebrities were very curious about Mu Siya's sudden invitation, and wanted to know what Mu Siya's purpose was for holding this banquet today.

Mu Siya didn't hide it, and directly stated her intentions, and praised Su Qingyao's cosmetics for a while, which aroused many people's hearts.

Looking at Su Qingyao's unbelievable appearance, many people really believed it.

Mu Siya suggested that someone come over to try the effect, so some ordinary-looking celebrities couldn't wait to try it, to see if they could really look good.

For these famous daughters, appearance and talent are very important.

Talent can still be compensated by acquired hard work, but this appearance is doomed from birth.

In addition to the normal dress on weekdays, it is still a bit difficult to look good.

That being the case, why don't they try it?

If you can really look good, you don't have to worry too much about your appearance in the future.

Su Qingyao did not disappoint either.

After someone came to try it, Su Qingyao got a cold and took out the cosmetics and began to smear them on people's faces.

After a lot of effort, these daughters of famous families who tried to make up had a very ordinary face, and suddenly they were dressed up to a new level of beauty.

Since they witnessed the magic of makeup with their own eyes, many people present sighed.

I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I wouldn't believe that relying on these things can change people's faces.

Even a woman with an average appearance can bloom into a different color after makeup.

After such a banquet, the famous daughters are very interested in Su Qingyao's cosmetics, and some are willing to pay a high price for them!
Su Qingyao is not ready to sell it yet, but just smiled and explained that the store will launch products in the future.If you have purchased a certain amount of goods, you can help train how to make up.

(End of this chapter)

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