Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1707 Qin Sheng Was Arrested

Chapter 1707 Qin Sheng Was Arrested
Qin Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's not that I'm busy, but I just don't want to have too much contact with other women."

Gongsun Qian's heart trembled, and then she asked, "Mr. Qin, why is that?"

Qin Sheng thought of the reason, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said sweetly, "Because I'm afraid that stupid woman in my family will be jealous if she finds out that I'm in contact with other women. She likes to be jealous the most. I dare not make her angry.

And before I went out, I was so lucky to have told me that I must guard myself outside and not have too much contact with other women, otherwise I would have to deal with me when I go back. "

After hearing Qin Sheng's words, Gongsun Qian's whole body froze.

She never expected that Qin Sheng was already married.

Hearing Qin Sheng's words, it seems that he likes to care about his wife very much.

But from Qin Sheng's description, it seems that his wife is also a jealous person.

How can such a woman want it?

A wife should keep to herself, and should not be jealous because a man is with other women. After all, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.Among the seven rules, being jealous is one of them.

In addition, for a woman to do something to her man, is there any gentleness and rules to speak of?

Women should be respectful and submissive to men, so how can they do anything to men?Isn't this upside down?

Gongsun Qian couldn't figure out why this kind of woman Qin Sheng didn't hurry to divorce her. When he said it, his eyes were full of doting and tenderness.

"Young Master Qin, are you already married?" Gongsunqian asked.

Qin Sheng nodded, "Yes, we have been married for more than a year."

After hearing Qin Sheng's affirmative answer, Gongsun Qian's breath was suffocated, is it really like this?

Gongsunqian felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, it was just because she fell in love with a man, she finally felt a little bit about a man, but this man has already become a relative?Thinking about it makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Why couldn't she meet Qin Sheng earlier?
Maybe Qin Sheng won't have a wife yet!

With Gongsun Qian's status, if she were with Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng would be the one who would be the best, let alone be Qin Sheng's concubine, that would be absolutely impossible.

Unless Qin Sheng divorced his wife and stayed with her.

Seeing that Gongsun Qian's face was a bit ugly, Qin Sheng asked a little puzzled, "Girl, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Gongsun Qian shook her head and said, "No."

"Girl, I hope you can understand. I appreciate your gratitude, but I still can't eat with you."

When Qin Sheng mentioned this, Gongsun Qian couldn't say anything more, but felt a little regretful in her heart.

Forget it...

She shouldn't have any fantasies that she shouldn't have, so she should control her heart well.

"Then Mr. Qin, I'll take my leave first..." Gongsun Qian said weakly.

Qin Sheng nodded.

Just when Gongsunqian was about to leave, she saw a fellow from the same village running in, and when she came up to Qin Sheng, she exclaimed, "It's not good, it's not good, Brother Qin Sheng, the government has come and said they want to arrest you." And you."

Qin Sheng frowned deeply, and muttered, "Arrest me? What did I do to arrest me? Why arrest people properly?"

The man said, "Hey, it seems that the toothpaste sold in our shop killed someone, and the government came to arrest him and bring him there for interrogation!"

(End of this chapter)

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