Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1709 Gongsun Qian's Help

Chapter 1709 Gongsun Qian's Help
To say that there should be something wrong with it.

She had to help Qin Sheng with something.

At least it should help Qin Sheng clear his name.

If she doesn't help Qin Sheng, she is really worried that something will happen to Qin Sheng.

After a while, people from the government came over and took Qin Sheng away.

Qin Sheng didn't struggle too much, and followed the government officials away calmly.

After all, he is just a plain-headed commoner, and he is still in another country. If he confronts the government, he will have to seek death by himself.

Qin Sheng originally wanted to arrange the business to continue, but who knew that because of this incident, the people from the government directly sealed up the shop temporarily, just to prevent further harm to people.

Gongsunqian pinched the handkerchief after seeing Qin Sheng being taken away.

Now she has to make arrangements for Qin Sheng.

First of all, things in the prison have to be sorted out, otherwise Qin Sheng will suffer if he is arrested.

Especially in a situation like Qin Sheng's, it is easy to extract a confession by torture and be punished by various tortures.

And in the prison, he must not eat well or drink well, and his life will not be so comfortable.

After the management, at least Qin Sheng won't have a hard time in prison.

Besides, it was necessary to collect evidence to prove that Qin Sheng had nothing to do with this matter.

Qin Sheng must be cleared of suspicion as soon as possible, and Qin Sheng should be released.

Thinking this way, Gongsun Qian went back.

Fortunately, she is the young lady of the Gongsun family, otherwise, she might not be able to do anything.

Gongsun Qian couldn't let go of Qin Sheng's matter.

Knowing that Qin Sheng already had a wife and might not be with her, Gongsun Qian still wanted to save Qin Sheng.

Nothing else, just thinking about this man in my heart.

As long as he is good, it is more important than anything else.

Qin Sheng who was caught in the prison also felt very strange.

It is said that the prison is a cannibal, and even if he cannot die, he will have to shed a layer of bones after being caught.

But what was strange was that after he was brought in, he was not subjected to the legendary torture.

Except that the place where I live is a bit poor, and it is a little bit damp, but other places are pretty good.

And what surprised Qin Sheng the most was that the food in this cell didn't seem to be bad, but there was even meat to eat?
The food conditions are better than those of ordinary country people.

It is estimated that many people would like to stay in such a prison, right?

Do nothing every day, just lie down and sleep, and there are delicious food and drinks for you, which is better than working hard in the countryside.

Could it be that Haiguo is so rich and treats the prisoners in prison so well?
In this way, the people in Haiguo can't do it. Everyone wants to commit crimes and stay in prison?

But I have never seen the situation in Haiguo so bad.

After staying for a few days, Qin Sheng really felt that something was wrong, so he asked the jailer who was watching the cell.

"I said, big brother, can I ask why I didn't do anything after I was arrested, didn't bother me, didn't torment me, and gave me delicious food and drink? There is still room for me to be locked up like this. What does that mean?"

After Qin Sheng finished asking, the jailer snorted lightly and said, "It's not because you're lucky, someone helped you.

Otherwise, do you think you have to get caught and your life can be so good?It is estimated that you cried and cried. "

When the jailer said this, Qin Sheng thought that he had indeed heard other prisoners crying and shouting while staying in the prison for the past few days, and he was obviously being punished.

(End of this chapter)

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