Chapter 1713
This time, the people in the government tried their best to investigate this matter as soon as possible, because Gongsunqian's identity played a role in it, and the people in the government didn't dare to neglect it.

Coupled with investigation and evidence collection, it is also a very cumbersome thing.It was all thanks to Gongsunqian who sent people to catch those counterfeit people with great difficulty, otherwise there would not be so much evidence to prove Qin Sheng's innocence if they couldn't be caught.

On the day Qin Sheng came out, the men who were traveling with him hurried over to pick him up.

"Hey, I was really scared to death this time. Fortunately, the matter was investigated and brother Qin Sheng was cleared. Otherwise, what should I do?"

"Yeah, fortunately it's okay this time."

"Fortunately, there are noble people to help, otherwise I don't know how long I will be in prison."

"I heard that it is the young lady of Gongsun's family who is helping brother Qin Sheng this time.

This Gongsun family is not ordinary, it is said that it is one of the best in the whole sea country.

Gongsun's family only has such a daughter, others are precious to you.It's no wonder that people in the government don't dare to neglect Miss Gongsun's words. Whoever dares to offend the Gongsun family will die.

I heard that the emperor of this sea country has to respect the Gongsun family a little bit! "

Qin Sheng did not expect that Gongsun Qian's identity would be so great.

Although I knew that Gongsun Qian was unusual, I didn't expect her to be so powerful.

In this way, it is no wonder that he has lived a good life in prison these days.

"So powerful? But then again, how can Miss Gongsun help Brother Qin Sheng so well?"

"Who knows, could it be that he and Brother Qin Sheng recognized each other?"

The eyes of the men turned to Qin Sheng.

The corners of Qin Sheng's mouth twitched, then he nodded and said, "Well, I know, but I'm not familiar with it."

In order to prevent these men from overthinking, Qin Sheng quickly put this relationship aside.

I'm afraid that some gossip will come out in the daughter-in-law's ears, and the daughter-in-law will beat him to death?

But even if Qin Sheng said so, these men still looked at Qin Sheng with ambiguous expressions in their eyes.

"Brother Qin Sheng, you already know someone, how could they help you so much? It must be because of great friendship."

A man jokingly said, "If you want me to say that brother Qin Sheng is too handsome, even the eldest lady of the Gongsun family also fell in love with brother Qin Sheng, so that's why they spared no effort to help?"

"Hey, don't say it's really possible. Otherwise, how could someone do such a big favor?"

"That's right... But having said that, if this is the case, then brother Qin Sheng is really lucky. To be able to be spotted by the young lady of the Gongsun family, what kind of luck is this?"

"Yes, if you can be with the eldest lady of the Gongsun family and climb into the Gongsun family, then Brother Qin Sheng will not be able to make a fortune in the future?"

"Brother Qin Sheng is really lucky, why didn't such good luck fall on me?"

"It's not because you're not handsome. If you can be as handsome as Brother Qin Sheng, all the girls will be eager to come over and lean on you."

"That's actually...haha, it would be great if I could have Brother Qin Sheng's handsome face, but God doesn't give me the same handsome face as Brother Qin Sheng, it's really unfair."



Hearing these people getting more and more outrageous, the corners of Qin Sheng's mouth couldn't help twitching, and then he said, "What are you all talking about? Later, if this word reaches my daughter-in-law's ears, don't think I'm outside If my daughter-in-law has any misunderstandings, I will never end with you."

(End of this chapter)

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