Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1717 Victory

Chapter 1717 Victory

War also means that many people will be displaced. Once a large-scale war breaks out, people's lives will become miserable.

Su Qingyao didn't know why this war broke out. Although it was hard for her as a plain-haired commoner, she couldn't influence the decision of high-ranking people.

Because of this, many people began to panic.

While guarding the shop, Mrs. Cao sighed at Su Qingyao and Qian, "Hey, fifth sibling, what should I do?

If the battle is severe, we may not be able to continue this business, and now the business is so bad that we don't know what to do..."

Thinking that the business was so good before, but the business is so bad now, Cao felt that it was difficult to balance.

Although Su Qingyao didn't open the soap shop, Cao's has already regarded it as her own business and paid attention to it with all her heart.

Su Qingyao thought about it very much.

Su Qingyao is not so persistent about making money.

The money she earned during these days is enough for her to spend her whole life, so she doesn't need to worry too much at all.

Although the soap business is not that good now, it still makes a lot of money compared to other businesses.At least so many shops can still bring her a lot of income, which is enough.

Su Qingyao patted Cao Shi on the shoulder, and comforted Cao Shi in turn, "Sister-in-law San, can't the business continue? Don't worry too much."

"Fifth brother and sister, your mentality is really good." Seeing Su Qingyao's calm appearance, Mrs. Cao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Su Qingyao smiled, "Haha, it's not because you have a good attitude, but because you know what contentment is.

It's good now, I don't have that much ambition and pursuit. "

"Well, fifth brother and sister, what you said is also reasonable, you really can't be too greedy.

Fortunately, you can still earn a lot of money every day. "

"Yeah, take your time and let nature take its course. If it should be good, it will be good."

After another period of time, not only did the situation not improve, but it got worse.

Su Qingyao didn't care much about her own business, nor was she so worried about not being able to make money, but saw that the lives of ordinary people were getting more and more difficult, and seeing them, she felt a little distressed.

If things go on like this, what should we do?
Everyone can't live a peaceful life.

Su Qingyao suddenly missed the 21st century. The strength of the motherland provided shelter for the people and allowed them to live and work in peace.

In contrast, sometimes some things that people don't care about are what many other people pursue.

Fortunately, after another month of suffering, news of victory came from Northern Xinjiang.

The people of the Great Zhou Kingdom rejoiced all over the country. After victory, everyone will be able to live a stable life.

You don't have to worry about your city being captured, and you don't have to worry about the government arresting people on the battlefield.

"Fifth brother and sister, I heard that many captives were captured from northern Xinjiang today, and they can be bought at the market." Mrs. Cao told Su Qingyao about the gossip she heard from the street today.

Su Qingyao frowned slightly, and asked, "Buy prisoners?"

"Yeah, you can buy captives as slaves. If you buy these captives, you can do whatever you want them to do. I heard it's not expensive. It's about three or four taels of silver per person. It's a lot." Everyone wants to buy it, especially some men want to pick and choose to see if there are any prettier women who can be a daughter-in-law after buying them.”

(End of this chapter)

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