Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1719 Too late to sympathize

Chapter 1719 Too late to sympathize

At this time, there was a handsome girl imprisoned in the cage. After being seen by the yellow-toothed man, she shrank in the cage and shivered.

"Come out!" The boss who sold the captives greeted the girl.

The girl shook her head, her lips quivering, "Don't..."

"Come out, hurry up." The boss urged.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The girl shrank back even more, seeing the frightened expression on the face of the yellow-toothed wretched man.

How can such an ugly man be with him...

If she was taken back by him, she would be disgusted to death.

The wretched man with yellow teeth did not have this self-awareness. Instead, he smiled at the girl and greeted the girl in a coaxing tone, "Come out, don't be afraid, I will treat you as my daughter-in-law in the future, and I will love you dearly." Love, come, come out, come home with me."

"I don't want it, I'm not your daughter-in-law."

"Oh, why are you so disobedient? If you want to be my daughter-in-law, you will be my daughter-in-law! I have already bought you for five taels of silver, why don't you be?"

The boss who sold the captives directly got the girl out of the prison. "You have already sold to others, even if you are not happy.

Hurry up and go with him, he is very nice, don't let him turn your face on you, when the time comes, there will be good fruit for you. "

After being so intimidated, the girl reluctantly followed the wretched man with yellow teeth.

Sometimes it's useless to be disgusting, after all, it doesn't matter.

If you lose your life, you really lose it.

Those who came to the Great Zhou Kingdom together, who is not pitiful?
It's a pity that this is the fate of the captives, shouldn't they be manipulated casually?
After seeing this scene, Su Qingyao felt a little sympathetic.

So what if you saw a flower stuck in a puddle of cow dung?

There are so many captives in this market, Su Qingyao can't say that she bought them all.

Su Qingyao wandered around the market, thinking about what to buy and go back.

For these captives, she wanted to pick women who were sharp and shrewd, not stupid.

When Su Qingyao passed by an iron cage, she saw several people locked in the iron cage.

There was a disheveled girl, who looked thin and weak, very young, not too young, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

But Su Qingyao was immediately attracted by the girl's bright eyes.

There was a child lying in the girl's arms, probably only a few years old.

It should be sick, and the child is also very weak, as if he is only half breathed.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, hold on a little longer, but don't fall asleep!"

"Xiao Wu, my sister is by your side, so please don't worry about anything."

And there were two young men, two young women, and an older woman in the cage.

"What should I do? Xiao Wu is sick, and if he doesn't see a doctor in time, he may die."

"Brother, shall we run away?"

"The cage is locked, it's not easy to escape... Besides, this is the Great Zhou Kingdom, where can we prisoners escape to?"

"Then what should we do? Xiao Wu is almost unable to hold on anymore, should we just watch Xiao Wu like this?"

"No, you can't, Xiao Wu can't have anything!"

"But what can we do now..."

"It's all our fault for being useless. Xiao Wu is sick and there is no way to solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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