Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1723 Loyal Follow

Chapter 1723 Loyal Follow
"Is it true, Miss? Is my brother really okay?"

"Miss, you are not comforting us, are you?"

Su Qingyao replied seriously, "Of course it's true. I've already read it. Fortunately, I found it in time. If it takes another two or three days, Hua Tuo may not be able to cure it even if he is alive."

Mrs. Cao followed behind and said, "Don't worry, my fifth sibling is good at medicine. Since she said it's fine, it must be fine, so don't worry."

With the words of Su Qingyao and Cao Shi, several people felt relieved, their hearts were finally loosened, and they kept saying, "That's good, that's great, Xiao Wu is fine."

"Yeah, Xiao Wu is fine!"

Su Qingyao looked at these people, almost crying.

She also understands that this is the case between relatives.

If something happened to the dog one day, she would definitely be extremely nervous.

Su Qingyao picked up the pen, wrote down the prescription on the paper, and asked Mrs. Cao to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and come back.Then he said to the people who bought them, "Go and wash first, clean yourself up, and then have a good rest. I'll go find clothes for you."

Fortunately, Su Qingyao customized uniform clothes for the employees in the soap shop in Kyoto, and there are still many at home at the moment.

Both men's and women's styles are available, just take them and wear them.

Although the clothes are not very good-looking, but the material is not bad, it is better than these people wearing dirty and tattered clothes.

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, several people glanced at each other and knelt down in front of Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows and asked these people, "What are you doing? What do you mean?"

"Miss, you are our savior and saved our younger brother. In the future, the few of us will serve Miss wholeheartedly and look up to her."

Su Qingyao looked at these people and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Get up, as long as you are honest and loyal to me, I will never treat you badly.

I don't need too much etiquette here, just relax.I don't like those red tapes, you don't have to kneel casually in the future, and you don't have to be too restrained. "

After listening to Su Qingyao's order, several people stood up.

"Go wash it up, just boil some hot water in the kitchen."

"Yes, miss!"

Several people responded very respectfully.

Not long after, several people finished washing, put on clean clothes, and came to Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao's eyes lit up when she saw the clean-up people coming over.

Because after these people cleaned up, He Fang's disheveled appearance was completely different.

The three girls are very young and beautiful, delicate and charming, and they can be regarded as Xiaojiabiyu's beauties no matter what.

The looks of the two men are also not bad, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, sharp eyes, sharp edges and corners on their faces, and a bit domineering.

Several people seem to have a good temperament, not like ordinary people.

She knew that these people gave her a different feeling, but she didn't expect that it was really unusual.

Su Qingyao is not a gossipy person. Although she is curious about the specific identities of these people, Su Qingyao will not take the initiative to ask if they don't say anything.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Su Qingyao didn't buy these people back to find out their details.

(End of this chapter)

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