Chapter 243
Especially the bone marrow in the pig bone contains a lot of collagen, which can not only beautify the skin, but also promote wound healing and enhance physical fitness.

It is good for Qin Sheng to eat it, and it is also good for Su Qingyao to eat it.

It's time for her face to be well maintained and beautiful.

When the ointment for removing scars is prepared, the scars on the face can be erased.

Now I have to start taking care of myself to have a good skin.

There are too many freckles on her face, and the ointment for removing scars also has the ingredients and effects of removing freckles, but if you want to have a white and tender skin, you need to prepare more skin care products, and pay attention to the diet.

Most of the meat on the pork bone is removed, and a small part of the meat can be shaved off after cooking.

The only downside of pork bone is that it takes time to cook.

Su Qingyao stuffed several pieces of wood into the stove hole, and the fire was crackling, and it took a while to smell the aroma of bone broth in the pot.

Mrs. Cao also came back from a stroll outside, and as soon as she arrived in the yard, she talked to Mrs. Wu about the arrival of a big man in the village.

"Sister-in-law, you didn't go to see the excitement just now, how boring it is to stay at home all day!
You don't know, there are several distinguished guests at the home of Zhuang Zhuang, I heard that they are the young masters of the high official family from the capital!
Tsk tsk tsk, don't say that he is rich and powerful, but that he is dressed and looks, handsome and handsome.

I have never seen such a handsome man anywhere! "

Cao said excitedly, even though she had given birth to two daughters, she still has no resistance to handsome men.

The Qin family was so poor back then, she was able to marry because she fell in love with Qin Fang's skin!

But compared with Bai Luotian and the others, Qin Fang's appearance is still much worse.

Cao's words don't go through the brain, just say what there is.

After hearing this, Su Qingyao joked, "Sister-in-law, don't you have a crush on him?

How sad the third brother would be if he heard your words! "

Cao's face became hot, and she glared at Su Qingyao angrily, "Fifth brother and sister, why do you like to pick things up so much!

I'm just saying a fact, you gave me a different meaning.

If your third brother hears and misunderstands, see if I won't smoke you! "

Mrs. Wu helped Mrs. Cao and said, "Fifth brother and sister, don't misinterpret your third sister-in-law's meaning, you must be happy if the third sister-in-law is in trouble?

Your three sister-in-laws have all married into the Qin family and have given birth to two children. Can you still think about other men? "

Su Qingyao chuckled, "Why are you so excited? Are you trying to cover up?
I'm just saying a few words casually, if the third sister-in-law didn't mean it, she didn't mean it! "

Mrs. Cao gave Su Qingyao a hard look.

Her fifth sibling is really annoying, she is calculating people everywhere she says.

She didn't dare to make too much noise, after all, she had seen how powerful Su Qingyao was, so she simply ignored Su Qingyao and continued to tell Wu Shi everything she had just gossiped about.

There are no recreational activities in the village, but whenever something happens in the village, it will be spread widely, and everyone gossips together.

Several times on weekdays, Mrs. Wu didn't bother to pay attention to Mrs. Cao, but now she also listened with great interest to what Mrs. Cao said about Bai Luotian and the others.

Qin Yu'er happened to be in the yard, and got together to gossip.

When Cao Shi said that the sons from the capital are not only rich and powerful, but also good-looking, they were very excited.

This is the type of husband she wants to find!
(End of this chapter)

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