Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 248 Mrs. Shen Was Angered

Chapter 248 Mrs. Shen Was Angered
Qin Sheng also said in a cold voice, "Mother, I still respect you as my mother to let you into the house. If you say these things again in the future, I will be rude to you!"

His tone was full of warning.

Yin Cuihua cried again.

It's okay to be bullied by his wife, but his son is not a good person, helping his wife instead of his mother, it really pissed her off!
She shouldn't have labored so hard to give birth to him in the first ten months of her pregnancy, otherwise she wouldn't have to be so angry today!

Qin Sheng was annoyed by Yin Cuihua's crying.

But even if his mother is making a fuss, he won't change his mind!
His wife is everything to him, and he is already very happy if she doesn't abandon him, so how could he take the initiative to divorce her!
Su Qingyao just stood at the door and listened to Qin Sheng's words.

This man did not disappoint her, and he did not waste her care during this time.

If Qin Sheng had been a baby boy, she probably wouldn't be able to continue living with him.

Seeing Yin Cuihua crying and howling in the five-bedroom house, Su Qingyao knocked on the door with a knife, "If you want to cry, get out and cry, don't make trouble in my room!"

Yin Cuihua was so frightened that her face turned pale for a moment, and she ran away in a hurry.

Although she was angry, she was afraid of the knife in Su Qingyao's hand.

Su Qingyao hooked the corners of her lips, and warned Yin Cuihua and the other people in the room, "If anyone enters my house like this without my consent, I will break her legs!"

Several people in the yard were too frightened to fart.

Who dares to offend Su Qingyao?Unless it's about dying!
Seeing that these people had stopped, Su Qingyao turned around and went into the kitchen again, continuing to work.

At this time, Shen's oil was refined, and a large plate of oily residue was made, and the three girls were eating the oily residue with their arms in their arms.

Su Qingyao couldn't get it here. When Haohao saw Sanya eating, he took Yin Cuihua's hand and said, "Grandma, I want to eat oily residue, Second Aunt's has it!

I want to eat, I want to eat! "

When Haohao made a fuss, Yin Cuihua couldn't bear it.

Su Qingyao is tough and stingy, so she can't ask for it from her.But Shen's is different, Shen's temperament is soft, if you want to find her, you may be there soon.

So she put on a mother-in-law posture, and said to Shen, "Second daughter-in-law, bring your oil residue to Haohao to eat!"

Shen didn't expect that Yin Cuihua had suffocated from Su Qingyao just now, and now she would come to her to make a fuss.

A few days ago, Shen probably took it, but this time, following Su Qingyao's example, she was unwilling to take it out.

Her family's life was difficult, and she finally bought some pig fat and came back to refine the oil, and got some oil residue, which was for the three girls to eat.

Haohao's child is usually spoiled by the big house, and she has never eaten anything delicious, so it is not her turn to give it to her.

"Mother, Sanya and the others ate all the oil residue, it's gone!" Shen replied flatly.

"It's gone, who are you talking about! Aren't these three girls eating with bowls in their hands?"

Speaking of Yin Cuihua coming over to snatch it from Sanya and the others, she was still muttering, "It's just a few money-losing goods. In the future, I will marry into someone else's family. Naturally, this good thing must be reserved for the gold of our Qin family. Sun Chi, it’s a waste to feed three losers!”

Shen's good temper was also irritated by Yin Cuihua.

She stood in front of Yin Cuihua all of a sudden, and said to Yin Cuihua angrily, "Mother, don't go too far!
Now Qin Han and I are reconciled, and have nothing to do with your Qin family.

I bought the oil residue with money, so what if I just feed it to the three girls? "

(Four changes are over, vote for those who like it!)

(End of this chapter)

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