Chapter 257

So a piece of clothing that cost a few hundred pennies was made into a ready-to-wear feel of one or two taels of silver under Qin Sheng's production.

Su Qingyao went to the clothing store to look at it before, and asked about the price of the clothing.

The price of some good-looking ready-made clothes is not low, and the price of making them is probably two or three times that of buying cloth directly.

It's really hard to buy clothes like Qin Sheng's for one or two taels of silver.

Su Qingyao, who put on this clothes, was completely different from when she was wearing coarse cloth clothes. Except for that face, there was a touch of immortality in her whole body.

Especially Su Qingyao's figure is very good, wearing this dress can better outline her figure.

Except for the skinny body, but the buttocks and breasts are really big and very sensual.

This figure can be regarded as bulging forward and backward, which is attractive.

Qin Sheng opened his eyes to see Su Qingyao's appearance in new clothes, and immediately sighed, "Daughter-in-law, you are so pretty! You look like a fairy!"

His eyes were burning, and he couldn't move away from her body, making no effort to hide his joy.

Su Qingyao felt that Qin Sheng was flattering her a bit.

Although she knew that she looked good in this new dress, but it was not to the extent that Qin Sheng boasted.


There is still a long way to go between her and the fairy!

Unless this face is cured!

When her face is healed and she wears such fairy clothes, she will really become a little fairy!
"How can you speak so well and praise people?" Su Qingyao replied jokingly, in a very good mood.

Qin Sheng grinned, "Hey, daughter-in-law, I'm telling the truth, don't look at your face, just look at your figure, you're a fairy in this dress.

If those with poor eyesight saw it from a distance, wouldn't they think it was a fairy? "

Su Qingyao: "..."

She thought that Qin Sheng was blindly praising her and flattering her, but only now did she realize that he had something to do with it!
"Then what if you look at my face instead of my figure?" Su Qingyao continued to ask, Zhang wanted to know what else Qin Sheng could say.

Qin Sheng chuckled, "Daughter-in-law... Forget it, you'd better not let me talk about it, I'll make you angry again!"

Su Qingyao did not give up on looking for abuse, and asked, "It's okay, just tell me, I'm not angry!"

"Daughter-in-law, that's what you said, so I'll say it...

It feels like your body and your face go together like a toad and a swan.

The body is a swan, the face is a toad! "

As soon as Qin Sheng spoke, Su Qingyao slapped him, only to hear a "slap", and the place where he was slapped felt numb for a while.

Su Qingyao frowned and said in a low voice, "Die, you actually called me a toad!"

Qin Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly explained, "No, no, daughter-in-law, that's not what the husband meant...

I agreed not to be angry, you see that you are angry again, I would have known that I would not have said it...

Hey, in fact, I'm just making a metaphor to show that the gap between your body and your face is too big.

Daughter-in-law, your figure is definitely the best among the little daughter-in-laws in our village!

Your face is not ugly, much better than before!And Mr. Xiang will never despise you! "

After finishing speaking, Qin Sheng looked at Su Qingyao cautiously, for fear that she would be angry with him again.

Su Qingyao curled her lips, "How do you know that I'm the best-looking girl in the village? You usually pay so much attention to other girls?"

Qin Sheng felt the chill in Su Qingyao's tone, and replied with a strong desire to survive, "No, I'm too lazy to look at other women!
It's just that daughter-in-law, you have such a good figure, you must be the best among the little daughter-in-laws in the village! "

(End of this chapter)

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