Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 300 Yuanbao eats chicks

Chapter 300 Yuanbao eats chicks

This little bitch has a sharp mouth.

Facing Cao Shi who was blushing anxiously, Su Qingyao chuckled, "Sister-in-law three, don't play tricks in the future, lest like today, I will be the one who suffers!"

Su Qingyao seemed to say it casually, but in fact, she reminded Mrs. Cao that she knew all the little things she did, and if she offended her, she would only suffer.

Mrs. Shen sighed, patted the back of Mrs. Cao's hand, and said earnestly, "Mr. Cao, even if the family is not easy, if you want to make money, you have to rely on normal means, don't think about those crooked things.

It's also fortunate that you are the fifth younger sibling, otherwise if you steal someone else's ability to eat, you will definitely be beaten to death! "

A pair of Su Qingyao's sharp eyes, Cao Shi, frightened for a moment, and stammered back, "Who...who is thinking of crooked ways, you...don't talk nonsense..."

"It's fine if you don't..."

Mrs. Shen didn't bother to expose it. Anyway, after today's incident, Mrs. Cao couldn't sell the medicinal materials, and if the way back was cut off, it would be useless for Mrs. Cao to go up the mountain to collect real medicinal materials.

When they arrived in the village, when they got off the ox cart, Mrs. Cao couldn’t get the money for the car. With an embarrassed face, she said that she had accidentally spent all the money she brought today, and that she owed the money for the ox cart first, and would pay it next time. The jokes fell off.

The unsatisfactory things accumulated for a long time, and Cao's heart was so aggrieved that he went back to the house angrily as soon as he arrived at the Qin family's yard.

Su Qingyao put away the things she bought today, went into the room to rest for a while, and then counted the money.

The money she has saved in her hands now adds up to a lot, there are four or five taels, and it hasn't been long since she crossed here, so much money is enough to buy an acre of second-class fertile land.

If this is an ordinary family, under normal circumstances, they may not be able to save so much money in a year, and they are still living frugally.

The herbs she needs are relatively expensive, so she has to keep saving them.

After a while, if you save enough ten or twenty taels of silver, you will be able to sell back the medicinal materials you need, and then make ointment for removing scars.

According to the current speed, it should be possible within half a year.

Half a year is not long or short, but for Su Qingyao, it is barely acceptable.After all, there are some things that can't be rushed, unless she can think of a faster way to make money.

Qin Sheng's injury has basically healed after acupuncture, and he needs to rest a little on weekdays and not move around randomly.

In order to recover from the injury, I had to lie on the bed for a while longer.

However, no more medication is needed, which saves a lot of money.

Just after Su Qingyao collected the money and put it away, there was a cry from the little bun outside the house, "Sister! Sister!"

Su Qingyao thought that something happened to the little bun, so she rushed out of the room and asked with concern, "What's the matter, dog?"

"Sister, Yuan Bao bit several chickens in our family!" Gouzi wiped the teardrops from the corners of his eyes, crying very sadly.

A few days ago, Zhao Yuner's hen had hatched chicks, and Su Qingyao usually kept them free-range. The hen took the chicks out every day to peck wild vegetables and worms to eat.

Gouzi took care of these chickens a lot, and developed feelings for them. Seeing Yuan Bao kill the chickens, he was very sad.

Su Qingyao patted Gouzi's head, and comforted, "It's okay, Gouzi, don't cry, that little pup, I'll teach it a lesson, how dare you eat my little chicken!"

(Four changes are over, ask for a ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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