Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 315 Selling water chestnut 2

Chapter 315 Selling water chestnut 2
Su Qingyao went to talk to Qin Sheng again.

Qin Sheng grinned his big white teeth, and replied with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, if you want to do something, just do it! Mr. Xiang believes in you!
If there is anything that needs your husband's work, just say it! "

Shen Shi also responded from the side, "Yes, sister Yao, don't be polite to sister Zhu if you need help, just ask."

With the support of two people, Su Qingyao is more motivated.

After eating early in the evening and sleeping, Su Qingyao went to the river to bring back a lot of water chestnuts the next day.

The Shen family helped pick them, and Gouzi and Qin Sheng were also busy on the sidelines.

Because of the hands and feet, the work is very fast, and it took less than two hours to clear out [-] to [-] catties of water chestnuts.

Su Qingyao planned to wait until she really made money selling water chestnut vegetables, and then she would pay the three maids of the Shen family as well, so they couldn't let them work for nothing.

Since Su Qingyao was selling it for the first time, she didn't know how many people would sell it, so she didn't dare to make too much, so she made [-] catties of water chestnut.

Getting up early in the morning, Su Qingyao put the fried water chestnut into a clean basket, with a few banana leaves under it to prevent the water chestnut from getting dirty.

Then he hurried to drive the ox cart with Shen Shi.

They came late, and the car was already full of people.

Seeing Shen Shi and Su Qingyao coming, the people who had already got into the car squeezed a little reluctantly, so they moved a seat and let the two of them sit on it.

Old man Li was driving the ox cart. Seeing that it was almost time, old man Li yelled and raised the whip in his hand, and the old cow started slowly.

It costs three pennies for a round trip, but the distance to the town is too far, and walking on two legs alone is exhausting.

Generally, when you go to the town, you have to sell or buy things, and you have to carry a lot of weight on your body. If you go to the town, you will definitely suffer from tired legs, feet, and body pain. Generally, you are willing to spend more than three pennies. Car money.

A woman sitting next to Su Qingyao was about 50 years old.

Su Qingyao recognized that it was Wang Cuihua's mother-in-law, Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang sniffed, and moved close to Su Qingyao, looked at the pannier covered with a layer of banana leaves, and asked curiously, "Fifth daughter-in-law of the Qin family, what's in your pannier that smells so sweet?" Mile!"

Su Qingyao replied lightly, "Caltropis!"

"Caltropis? Why did you fry so many water chestnuts?"

Su Qingyao was very disgusted with this kind of people who asked the bottom line, and replied with some displeasure, "Sell it? Do you want to buy some?"

Mrs. Yang quickly waved her hand, and replied with full of disgust, "I don't want it!

How can this water chestnut be eaten?Bitter and astringent, how can I eat it?
They are all food for beasts, even if they are given to me for free, I won't take them, and let me buy them?I am not a fool! "

"If you don't sell it, then don't ask so many questions!" Su Qingyao said angrily, why is this old lady Yang as annoying as that Wang Cuihua.

"Fifth daughter-in-law of the Qin family, why are you like this? What kind of attitude is this..." Mrs. Yang also glared at Su Qingyao angrily.

There was a woman in the car who borrowed Su Qingyao's long pole yesterday, so she came forward to reconcile, "Aunt Yang, don't say that, I smell the water chestnut made by Qingyao's sister, maybe it can be sold !"

Mrs. Yang was a little unconvinced, "Sell it? People in the town are rare about this thing?

If the fifth daughter-in-law of the Qin family can sell five catties today, my wife will kowtow to her and call her grandma! "

(Four changes are over, ask for a ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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