Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 329 Qin Sheng Learned to Read

Chapter 329 Qin Sheng Learned to Read

"Sister, teach me how to read after you know how to read! In addition to names, I also need to recognize other things!" Little Baozi raised his head and begged.

Su Qingyao agreed without hesitation, "Okay, my sister will teach you how to read when you have time! Learn a little first, and you will have a foundation when you go back to school. It's easier!"


Qin Sheng, who was at the side, listened with envy.

"Daughter-in-law, teach Hao Chen how to read and also teach me!

Hehe, if you can't look back, everyone at home will recognize me, I'm the only big man who can't! "

Su Qingyao's eyes fell on Qin Sheng, and the corner of her mouth twitched for a moment, "You want to read, too?"

"Yes, daughter-in-law! It's great to be able to read, it's much more convenient than not being able to read."

Sometimes when he went shopping in the town, he couldn't even recognize the price on the price board, so he had to ask the shopkeeper again, which was really troublesome.

If you can read and write, the situation will be different.

In the past, there was no money and no opportunity to go to school. The only opportunity to study in the family was left to the sixth brother.

Now that Su Qingyao knows how to read and write, it's a good idea to learn one more after following Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao thinks about it too.

In the future, if he becomes prosperous and can open restaurants and shops, Qin Sheng can help keep accounts if he can read.

"That's fine, when I teach Hao Chen how to read, you will also learn together."

"Good wife!" Qin Sheng nodded with a smile.

Lele's arrival brought a lot of joy to the family.

Su Haochen, Sanya and the others helped to make a kennel, made of discarded wooden tubs, with soft straw and unnecessary rags hanging inside.

The little pup is curled up in the basin, which is even more pitiful.

It is estimated that because he was born shortly ago, his eyes have not been opened yet, so he is very lethargic.

After eating, he curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

In the evening, Su Qingyao warmed up some fish soup for the dog to drink, and the dog's life was finally saved.

The next day, Aunt Li from the next door ran over and shouted to the five-bedroom house, "Girl Qingyao, are you home?"

Su Qingyao came out of the room and asked with a smile, "Aunt Li, what can I do for you?"

"Girl Qingyao, I heard that your water chestnut vegetables are selling well. It's quite delicious, isn't it?"

"Why? Your aunt also wants to buy some to try? I have some left at home, why don't I give you a taste?"

Aunt Li smiled and waved her hands, "No, girl Qingyao, that's right!

A relative of my family bought water chestnut from you several times when he went to town, and he thought it tasted very good.

Tomorrow, his house happens to have a banquet, and he was wondering how many cold dishes he would like, so he asked if you could send him a hundred catties of water chestnut vegetables!

Aren't you four pennies a catty?He counts five cents for you! "

After hearing Aunt Li's words, Su Qingyao hurriedly said, "Sure, Aunt Li, when will he send it over?"

"Tomorrow morning will be fine, and we will have a banquet at noon. It's not very far away, it's just five or six miles away in the next village.

You go with me tomorrow morning, just in time for me to lead the way for you! Aunt Li said with a smile.


Su Qingyao readily agreed.

You can earn [-] Wen for a trip, which is quite a bargain.

Tomorrow's business in the town can only be done with Shen's help.

The extra [-] Wen business is just a lot of money, and I will buy more candies for the children later.

After taking Aunt Li's business, Su Qingyao brought back some water chestnut vegetables in the afternoon.

The town had to sell another one or two hundred catties, and Aunt Li's relatives had to give away another hundred catties.

All afternoon, Su Qingyao, Shen's, and several other children were busy picking water chestnuts.

(Two updates first!)
(End of this chapter)

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