Chapter 535 Going to the Owner Meng's House for Wine (Fifth Watch)

If it were any other woman in the village, she would have been scared out of her wits.

What didn't Su Qingyao experience in her previous life?Sometimes when protecting some important national dignitaries, she even ate shells, let alone a few dogs can scare her.

"It's okay, I'm not scared!"

The servants of Master Meng's house couldn't help but look at Su Qingyao a few more times.

Looking at Su Qingyao like a delicate flower, she thought she was weak, but she thought she was so courageous.

The big yellow dogs in the village were well-fed and strong, and ordinary men would run away in fright when they saw it, not to mention a woman like Su Qingyao.

"Then Miss Su, please come in!" The servant greeted politely.

"it is good!"

Su Qingyao also smiled, and then hugged the little milk dog on the ground.

In Su Qingyao's arms, the little milk dog was still humming.

Su Qingyao stroked the little milk dog's fur, "Okay, okay, it's safe now, it's okay!"

Seemingly understanding Su Qingyao's words, the little milk dog lay quietly in Su Qingyao's arms.

The kitchen of Mr. Meng Zhuang's house is very large, and there are many people there.

Su Qingyao explained everything that needs to be prepared tomorrow, and made a list to avoid confusion.

After explaining, Su Qingyao returned home.

After a good night's dream, I had to go to Mr. Meng's house to do some work the next morning.But the banquet is scheduled for the evening, about four or five o'clock.

The banquet at Zhuangzhu Meng's house was very grand, and many powerful people from nearby villages and towns came.

The people in the village were also very flattering to Mr. Meng, and many people went over to follow the ceremony.

After all, it was a day of rejoicing, and Zhuang Zhuang did not refuse anyone who came to give gifts, and even less cared about some gifts with little money.

Even if it costs a little more money to post on the banquet, as long as it is lively, he will not be short of that little money after all.

Seeing that Su Qingyao made a banquet for Mr. Meng, and the dishes at the banquet were also very good, the people in the big room were very moved when they heard it.

"Mother, let's also go to bring a gift and have a meal in the past. I heard that Master Meng's house has prepared a lot of delicious dishes.

This would cost twenty or thirty renminbi with just one gift, so it's not a loss to have such a good meal! "

Qin Yu'er persuaded Wu in front of her.

In fact, it's not that she wants to eat too much, but that she knows that Mu Shaoqing lives in Zhuang Zhuang's Zhuangzi. This time, she will definitely meet Mu Shaoqing when she goes to the banquet this time.

Before her and Mr. Zhu's wedding day comes, she must first get rid of Mu Shaoqing and win a chance for herself.

"Is this okay? Let's follow the ceremony, how many people can we go?"

"No, how many more copies will you take?

Mother, I see that many people in our village brought a gift with them, and dragged their families to Mr. Meng's house to eat! "

"Huh? Really?"

"Of course it's true, mother. Mang Zhuang is rich, so how can he care about so much? I wish I could find more people and join in the fun!"

Mrs. Wu thought about it, and thought it was the same, "Then our eldest room will give you fifty Wen as a gift, and the four of us will go over to eat together?"

"Okay, mother!" Qin Yu'er agreed with a smile.

Before the banquet started, Qin Yuer hurried to the boudoir, picked out the clothes she thought were the most beautiful and put them on, and then dressed up carefully in front of the dressing table.

Only those who are well-dressed can seduce Mu Shaoqing.

She doesn't have many opportunities now, and she must seize them well today, otherwise she might be forced by his mother to marry Young Master Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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