Chapter 548 Must Be Cleaned Up (Ten)
Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law was originally very sturdy and burly, while Qin Yu'er was that kind of small and exquisite woman, so she was naturally no match for Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law.

Qin Yu'er was beaten to the point of collapse, but none of the onlookers stepped forward to help her.

On the contrary, there was a man who wanted to stop Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law.

But when he saw Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law's sturdy appearance, he immediately became a little timid.They were not necessarily the opponents of Chen Tiedan's wife in the past!
After all, a mad woman is really scary.

And some men were stopped by their wives, "Don't go there, could it be that you are also fascinated by this vixen? Are you reluctant to be beaten?
Let me tell you, this kind of little slut must be cleaned up, otherwise I don't know how many married women I will hook up with, causing chaos in our village! "


The corner of Qin Yu'er's mouth was bleeding, and she pleaded with Chen Tiedan's wife.

Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law did not show any mercy, "You seduce my man, and I deserve it if I beat you to death. Shameless, shit!"

Speaking of which, Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law still spit on Qin Yu'er's face.

When Mrs. Wu came over, she first saw her daughter being beaten like that by Chen Tiedan's wife, so she rushed over and stopped her.

"Zhao Yufeng, what are you doing? You beat my daughter! You beat her like this, it's too much!

In the future, your Chen family must give me an explanation. If something happens to my daughter, I will definitely not make your Chen family feel better! "

Chen Tiedan's daughter-in-law, that is, Zhao Yufeng, put her hands on her waist and said aggressively, "Your daughter is shameless to seduce my man, what's wrong with me beating her?
If you have the ability, find Lizheng to comment! "

Mrs. Wu was stunned for a moment, and then cursed, "Zhao Yufeng, don't talk nonsense and ruin my daughter's reputation.

What kind of virtue is Chen Tiedan in your family, and Yu'er is not blindly seducing him! "

Zhao Yufeng hooked the corners of her lips, and said with a sneer, "It's not me who seduced my man, it was Mrs. Yang and Aunt Zheng who saw it!

Look at your good girl again, the daughter-in-law hasn't tidied up, what are you doing with me? "

After being told by Zhao Yufeng, Wu finally realized that Qin Yu'er's clothes were indeed not properly dressed, as if she had just finished doing something like that.

Wu's eyes were full of shock, she couldn't believe it, "This... how is this possible?"

Mrs. Yang is a person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs, stir up trouble and watch the excitement, "Daughter-in-law of the Qin family, why is that impossible?

Your daughter was messing around with Chen Tiedan just now, and it was called a joy!
I saw it all!Aunt Zheng's family saw it too, Oh, by the way, and Aunt Wang!
There are a few others who came quickly, and they all saw it!
So many of us have seen it with our own eyes, so is it fake? "

Aunt Zheng's aunt cooperated, "Yes, Mrs. Wu, Tiedan's daughter-in-law is not wrong to blame your daughter! This matter is your fault first!"

Wu's whole body was stunned, and she took a few glances at Qin Yu'er, she really lost face by causing such a big scandal!
Everyone in the village was there, and it was estimated that Dafang would become a joke in the village.

It doesn't matter, I'm afraid that the marriage that the Zhu family has negotiated will turn yellow after all!
An innocent girl who hooked up with a married man and was laughed at by the whole village, how could a family like the Zhu family let such a daughter-in-law go?

Thinking of these consequences, Wu Shi felt that her little heart couldn't bear it.

(Ten updates are over!)

(End of this chapter)

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