Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 630 Which is cleaner, the ass or the face

Chapter 630 Which is cleaner, the ass or the face
At this time, Qin Sheng's face was stained with blood, and he didn't know whether it was his own or the wild boar's.

Due to the long time, the blood has dried up and formed scabs.

In addition, Qin Sheng's exposed arms were also dirty and had to be wiped clean.

"Good wife!"

As Qin Sheng said, he took off his clothes directly, exposing his acquaintance's upper body in front of Su Qingyao.

I have to say that although this dude is not a muscular figure like a fitness trainer, he has muscular abs, and the lines of his figure look very good.

Especially at this moment, there was a thin layer of sweat on his body, and after taking off his clothes, he could see beads of sweat dripping down the muscles on his chest, which added a bit of charm.

Su Qingyao stared at it for a while, feeling a little lost.

Qin Sheng ignored Su Qingyao's gaze, picked up a towel in the sink, and began to wipe his upper body.After the sweat on the body was wiped off, I felt a lot more comfortable.

Seeing that this guy was about to take off his pants, he probably had to wipe his lower body, Su Qingyao hurriedly said, "Who wipes his body first, wipes his face first, do you understand from top to bottom?"

"Daughter-in-law, why are we country people so particular, don't we always wipe everywhere?"

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched. If I remember correctly, people in this era are really not particular.

She often sees other people in the room using a towel from face to buttocks to feet.

Wash your face often after washing your butt.

As a person in the 21st century, Su Qingyao naturally couldn't accept it. How unhygienic is this?

But for people in this era, it is commonplace in the world.Ordinary farmers, like the Qin family, don't even have a single piece of clothing on weekdays, let alone prepare so many towels extravagantly.

Coupled with the fact that there are so many people, it’s just like the 21st century. A normal family doesn’t know how much cloth it will consume in a year!How can the country people afford it?

Qin Sheng lives with her, and now that the family conditions are better, Su Qingyao doesn't want him to be as casual as before.

"Wipe your face after wiping your butt, it's too dirty! You have to wipe your face first!"

"Daughter-in-law, you are wrong."

"Why did I say something wrong?"

"Daughter-in-law, I think the face is dirtier than the buttocks, and the buttocks should be wiped first."

"Obviously the ass is dirtier."

"Daughter-in-law, the buttocks are wrapped in clothes and shoes all day long, so they don't show. But the face has to be exposed every day, eating so much dust. Compared with this, the face is obviously dirtier, okay?"

Su Qingyao: "...", why did she feel that what this dude said was quite reasonable.

But I also felt that something was weird, something unexpected.

"Then wash them separately, there's no one who uses the same towel for the buttocks and the face, it's disgusting..."

"Okay, daughter-in-law, my husband listens to you!"

Qin Sheng said as he twisted out another towel and wiped his face.

After wiping off the blood on her face, Su Qingyao saw a scratch that was neither deep nor shallow on Qin Sheng's face.

"Are you injured?" Su Qingyao hurried to Qin Sheng, stared at Qin Sheng's face and said in a low voice.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm fine!"

"And said you're fine, you're all wounded!"

"Daughter-in-law, a small injury, it doesn't hurt!"

"how did you make it?"

Staring at Qin Sheng's wound, Su Qingyao was more concerned about how the wound on Qin Sheng's face came about.

Was there some danger of which she was unaware?
"Daughter-in-law, I'm really fine, but I was accidentally scraped off by a tree branch..."

(End of this chapter)

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