Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 707 The Beautiful Woman

Chapter 707 The Beautiful Woman

"It's for women!"

"You don't have to ask, it must be for women!"

"If it's used by a man, then this man has such a special hobby that he likes things used by women."

"It seems that this purse belongs to this girl."


Su Qingyao smiled, "Yes, this is a purse for women, so what this girl said should be true."

The man kneeling on the ground said angrily, "Even so, so what? Can't I hold my daughter-in-law's purse?
Just relying on this to prove that this purse is not mine?This reason is too far-fetched, right? "

Knowing that this man was stubborn, everyone was fooled into suspicion.

"That's true... This alone can't prove that this thing is not his. Maybe he really took his wife's purse!"

"It's also possible. If you can't judge, you should send it to the official, and let the official judge!"

Su Qingyao stared at the man on the ground for a few moments, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and continued, "Wait a minute, don't worry, I still have something to ask."

Everyone's eyes continued to focus on Su Qingyao, "Well, since you all say it's yours, then tell me what's in this purse, and whoever can tell it belongs to him."

The onlookers thought that Su Qingyao asked a good question this time.

If the purse was his own, he wouldn't be ignorant of the contents.

Whoever can answer it is obvious who the purse is.

When asked by Su Qingyao, the man kneeling on the ground was stunned, unable to answer for a while.

But he replied stiffly, "I haven't looked at my daughter-in-law's purse, so how would I know!"

At this time, a clear voice came from not far away, "You don't know but I know, because the purse is mine."

"There are 2000 taels of silver bills and a jade pendant inside.

There is also a word "Ya" engraved on this jade pendant, and there is a word "Ya" in this girl's boudoir name. "

Su Qingyao and the onlookers all looked at the woman who was speaking.

I saw her wearing a white dress, with an indescribable sense of elegance, a crystal clear jade bracelet on her hand, and a delicate jade hairpin inserted obliquely in her hair. Exuding a fairy air that is indifferent to the world, like a fairy from heaven and earth.

After Su Qingyao saw it, she couldn't help being stunned. This woman is really beautiful.

As a woman, Su Qingyao couldn't help being overwhelmed by this woman's beauty.

She felt that her current face was pretty enough, but she felt a little ashamed compared to this woman.

When everyone saw this woman, they all gasped in the same way as Su Qingyao did.

"Beautiful, so beautiful, there is such a beautiful woman!"

"My God, my eyes are right, right? Is this a fairy from the sky descending to earth?"

"It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman! My God, my God, there is such a beauty in this world."



The men praised her unabashedly, and looked at her even more.

The woman frowned slightly, as if she was not used to being stared at like this.

The men's wives were very angry when they heard what their men said, but when faced with such good looks, they were jealous.

She is just beautiful, what can she do if she seduces a man's soul?

(End of this chapter)

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