Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 721 Asking Su Qingyao for Help

Chapter 721 Asking Su Qingyao for Help
Liu Xiaolan buying soap is equivalent to gambling.

If you win the bet, you can earn back the two taels of silver.

The purpose of credit is to prevent accidents, but soap is so popular that the supply is in short supply, so the chances of it not being resold are still very small.

So she had to buy these ten pieces of soap, otherwise she would miss the opportunity to make money.

If she could make a lot of money by buying back, she would cry to death.

After taking Liu Xiaolan's money, Su Qingyao also gave Liu Xiaolan ten pieces of soap.

Now seeing this woman Su Qingyao is very annoying.

Always play tricks.

To put it bluntly, it means that the intention is not correct.

You can't deal too much with such people, and you will be tricked if you relax your vigilance a little bit.

However, Liu Xiaolan's skills are obviously not good enough, and there is no good fruit for her.

The people who waited for the soap to buy got the soap and paid the money. Some were still gossiping together, while others dispersed and went home to cook.

There were also a few people who saw that Su Qingyao's family's carriage liked it very much, and looked around Su Qingyao's family's carriage enviously.

In the whole village, apart from Mr. Meng's family who has a carriage, I haven't seen anyone with a carriage.

After all, Master Meng's conditions are not comparable to ordinary people, but everyone can see the conditions of Su Qingyao's family. The Qin family was so poor before, and it gradually became more and more developed, so that it finally counted in the village. Wealthy.

It is this kind of counterattack that makes people jealous.

It's like watching a person who is not as good as you slowly become stronger than you, and I feel uncomfortable.

Su Qingyao didn't get involved in the villagers' gossip.

Others were watching her carriage, but she didn't drive it away, she just asked not to touch it.

When he collected the money and prepared to arrange lunch, he saw that neither Liu Xiaolan nor Liu Xiaotang had any intention of leaving.

Although she was curious, she would not ask these two people unless they had something to say, which would make her lose her self-worth.

Seeing that Su Qingyao was about to go to the kitchen, Liu Xiaolan pushed Liu Xiaotang, and Liu Xiaotang reluctantly approached Su Qingyao and said, "Su Qingyao, I have something I would like to ask you to help me with."

Su Qingyao smiled, "I can still help you? It's really strange!"

In fact, as soon as Liu Xiaotang opened his mouth, Su Qingyao knew what this woman asked for her help.

Smashing that small rock back then would leave a scar, and Liu Xiaotang is also a beauty lover, so naturally he would not allow his face to have a scar.

Knowing that she has ointment for removing scars, why not come over and ask her for help?
When Liu Xiaotang heard Su Qingyao's tone of voice, he was very disgusted and angry, "Su Qingyao, are you going to help or not? You can't speak in such a tone, right?"

Su Qingyao snorted softly, "Liu Xiaotang, please find out, you asked me for help, you are begging me, do you think you are begging for help now?"

Liu Xiaotang gritted her teeth angrily, thinking that Su Qingyao must be making things difficult for her!

When Liu Xiaotang was about to argue, Liu Xiaolan grabbed Liu Xiaotang and whispered in Liu Xiaotang's ear, "Xiaotang, now is not the time to quarrel with her and get angry with her. She is right, we are begging for help. If you make her angry and don't give you ointment, then how good is your face?"

Only then did Liu Xiaotang calm down.

Indeed, it would be fine if Su Qingyao didn't give her the ointment.

No matter how dissatisfied he was with Su Qingyao, Liu Xiaotang had no choice but to swallow his anger back.

So Liu Xiaotang took a deep breath and said to Su Qingyao, "Su Qingyao, if you help me this time, I won't argue with you in the future, and I'll forget about what you didn't like before!"

(End of this chapter)

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