Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 724 Deliberately raising the price?

Chapter 724 Deliberately raising the price?
The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth curled up, "Who's joking with you?"

Liu Xiaotang became more and more angry, and she knew that it was not so easy for Su Qingyao to give her the ointment.

I thought an apology would be enough, but it turned out that she was stuck at this step!
A little ointment costs ten taels of silver.

What is the concept of ten taels of silver? You can buy two acres of fertile land.

Liu Xiaotang's family has only a dozen acres of land in total, and they are still living on these fields. How can they be willing to spend ten taels of silver to buy medicine?

Regardless of whether her parents are willing to buy it for her, even if they are willing, the Liu family will not be able to spend so much money!

Unless the field is sold!

But how is this possible?
After selling the fields, the rations will be reduced, and the family's brothers and sisters-in-law will not be willing.

Facing Su Qingyao's price-calling behavior, Liu Xiaotang shouted angrily, "Ten taels of silver will buy you this medicine? Why don't you go grab it, Su Qingyao?"

Su Qingyao smiled, "Liu Xiaotang, you are really interesting to talk about. You are the one who came to me for medicine, and you are the one who detests the expensive medicine.

If it's too expensive, you don't have to buy it. Could it be that I'm begging you to buy it?
Randomly spreading rumors, saying that I robbed money? "

Qin Sheng defended from the side, "Liu Xiaotang, keep your mouth clean. If you spread rumors about my daughter-in-law, I won't tear your mouth apart."

Liu Xiaolan frowned and glanced at Su Qingyao.

Seeing Su Qingyao call such a high price now, she felt more at ease, and figured out what kind of gourd Su Qingyao was selling just now.

After thinking for a while, Liu Xiaolan said pitifully, "Su Qingyao, I know that my cousin offended you before, and you hold a grudge.

But we are from the same village, how can the folks in the village be so fussy?
Besides, my cousin has already apologized to you and realized her mistake, which is enough.

How can you deliberately inflate the price, but you just don't want to give the medicine to my cousin?
She is a girl who hasn't left the cabinet yet, how can she get married now that her face is ruined?

You have a lot of adults, why not give her the medicine?Or you can quote a more honest price, ten taels of silver we country people really can't afford it! "

Liu Xiaolan's words made many villagers who were still in the Qin family's yard gather together again, gossiping and discussing.

"Hey, Su Qingyao probably made things difficult on purpose. How much money can a little ointment be worth? You actually asked for ten taels? Isn't this a deliberate scam?"

"Actually, people from a village, even though they have committed crimes before, don't care too much about it.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to call other girls to marry.It's not good if Liu Xiaotang can't get married because of the trouble..."

"Didn't you say that Su Qingyao is quite generous? Why are you so fussy at this time?

Could it be that the previous generosity was all pretended?On the surface, he is polite to you, but in fact, he uses other methods to plot against you? "



Most of them are people who stir up the muddy water and don't hurt their backs when they stand and talk.

It is enough to persuade others to be magnanimous and use their mouths, and they don't have to pay something themselves, but they don't consider other people's difficulties.

It may be more difficult for them to be generous on themselves.

When Liu Xiaolan heard someone yelling and helped her speak, she felt even more proud.

Deliberately continued, "Su Qingyao, please help my cousin just once?

She is young, don't bother with her.If she did too much before, I will also apologize to you here.

If you can't do it, you can just ask, if I can satisfy you, I will definitely satisfy you. "

(End of this chapter)

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