Chapter 728
Anyway, it wasn't her who left the scar on her face!
She has already stirred up trouble when she came here today, and she was told that she didn't want to continue to cause trouble.

"Cousin, even if I wait ten or eight years, I still have no money. Is it possible that the scars on my face will always remain? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Liu Xiaotang With a mournful face, the more I think about it, the more I feel stuffy.

Then his eager eyes fell on Liu Xiaolan, "Cousin, don't you have money in your hand? How about you help me put it on? When I marry a rich husband's family in the future, I will return it to you if I save enough money." Can't it?"

Liu Xiaolan didn't expect Liu Xiaotang to count on her to take the money.

Although she does have some money, she shouldn't give Liu Xiaotang ten taels in one afternoon!
Although Liu Xiaotang said that after marrying a good husband's family, she saved money and paid it back, but she is very good at what she says.

But who knows what the future holds?

In case Liu Xiaotang fails to marry a good husband's family and has no money in the future, wouldn't it be a waste of time to lend her the ten taels of silver?

Ten taels of silver is not a small amount, it is enough for her to buy a lot of things.

Selfishly told Liu Xiaolan that the money could not be borrowed no matter what.

So Liu Xiaolan was very embarrassed and said to Liu Xiaotang, "Cousin, I don't have so much money."

"Cousin, why do you have no money? Didn't your family accept a bride price of 100 taels of silver?

Although I borrowed ten taels of silver, although it is a bit much, compared with your 100 taels of silver, it is only a little bit of a move. "

Liu Xiaolan frowned and replied, "Xiaotang, that's what I said, but the dowry gift of 100 taels of silver was taken by my parents, and it's not in my hands. Where can I get the money to lend you?"

"Cousin, if you don't lend it to me, I won't be able to borrow it. Why don't you help me talk to your parents?"

Liu Xiaolan hurriedly waved her hand and refused, "Xiaotang, how is this possible? If I ask my parents for ten taels of silver, they will definitely not give it. I don't know what ugly words they will say.

It's not that you don't know the character of my parents, how hard it is to get money out of their hands. "

Liu Xiaotang was suddenly a little frustrated, but also a little bit unwilling.

Finally, Su Qingyao agreed to sell her the medicine, but she was stuck on the price.

People are willing to sell, but she can't afford it!
"Why are you hanging around if you can't afford it? Get out of here? Do you expect my daughter-in-law to be a Bodhisattva and give you the medicine out of kindness?"

Qin Sheng snorted coldly, and continued to push Liu Xiaolan and Liu Xiaotang a few more times.

The two were pushed out of the Qin family's yard by Qin Sheng.

"Xiaotang, forget it, let's go!"

" face..."

"It's okay, let's think of other ways to see if we can get money.

Don't think about it now, hey..."


Liu Xiaotang touched his face, and responded unwillingly.

It's nothing to do without money, even if she really wants to heal this face.

Without the two stupid women jumping in front of them, the courtyard became much quieter.

The people who were originally joining in the fun chatted a few words together and left one after another.

Su Qingyao turned around and went to the kitchen, with Qin Sheng following behind.

"Daughter-in-law, Liu Xiaolan is just a bitch, ignore what she says, lest you get angry with yourself.

But daughter-in-law, just now I deliberately pushed her hard a few times, I guess she was also hurt a few times by me.

Xianggong secretly avenged you! "

Qin Sheng said to Su Qingyao flatteringly, a row of big white teeth was very dazzling in front of Su Qingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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