Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 803 Three days to collect money

Chapter 803 Three days to collect money

For someone as pretty as Qin Yu'er, at least three or forty taels of silver would be required, anyway, it would definitely exceed the figure of 40 taels of silver.

If you really want to directly pay a girl similar to Qin Yuer to Wang's second child, it's better to spend 30 taels of silver.

Wu Shi felt that she couldn't cry even if she wanted to cry at this moment.

Why is their big room so unlucky?
always like this!

Really pissed her off!

The more Wu thought about it, the more her heart became congested. Facing Wang's second son, she couldn't hold back a fart.

There's no way anyone will make the Qin family feel wronged!

You don't have to be in the hands of others, so you can do whatever others want?
Qin An opened his mouth, "30 taels...our big house can't raise so much money even if we sell everything.

Wang Laoer, can you be a little more flexible and ask for less? "

But Wang Lao Er said with a completely non-negotiable expression, "Accommodating? Why do you want to be accommodating?
Whether you can get it or not is a matter for your Qin family, and it has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, I don't care, I just want 30 taels.

I'll give you three days to make it together, but you won't be able to!

Hehe, I'll see you in the government. I'd like to ask the magistrate, is there anyone who bullies people like you! "

After finishing speaking, Wang Laoer led the Wang family away angrily.

Dafang and his wife suddenly sat down on the ground.

30 taels...

If it is really taken out, wouldn't Dafang be in a poor and empty situation?

Unless you sell a few acres of land at home, you won't be able to make any money at all.

But if you really want to sell the field, is Dafang going to drink the northwest wind in the future?
Without the fields, there is no foundation, and life is difficult to live on.

Those who joined in the fun still gathered together, chattering and chatting.

Fortunately, the Shen family and the Qin family separated, and Su Qingyao moved back to the new house earlier. Except for Shen's house, everything in the Qin family's house was smashed to nothing.

Although there is nothing valuable, those tables and chairs, as well as jars, jars, pots and other things are all necessary for daily use. They were smashed to pieces by Wang Lao Er, and the Qin family had to spend money to make up for them.

Looking at the mess all over the floor, the Qin family's expressions were very serious.

Although Dafang is easy to cry but has no tears.

Yin Cuihua sat directly in the yard and howled.

"Oh, my God, what did our Qin family do to punish people like this?
There is no way to live this day!
Why am I so miserable?So many unpromising turtle sons were born!

woohoo woo..."

Yin Cuihua's crying made Dafang and his wife very upset.

But he didn't dare to say anything about Yin Cuihua.

Qin An softly persuaded, "Mother, can you stop yelling? Crying won't solve the problem, let's think of a way."

It's fine if Qin An didn't say anything, but when he talked about Yin Cuihua, he directly pointed the finger at Qin An, "You still have the nerve to say, if it weren't for your good girl, would our Qin family be in the situation they are today?

It's just a money-losing item, and I hold it in the palm of my hand and spoil it every day, and I don't know what to think.

See how she was taught?
Doing such a scandal made our Qin family face down. It's fine if we don't know how to reflect on it, but we still ran away, which added another problem to our Qin family.What a debt collector, how come he was reincarnated and promoted to the Qin family, instead of harming others?

Let me look at the other side of Wang's second son, how did your big house tell you where to get the 30 taels of silver, and I tell you that our house and fields are not to be touched for a single cent!
The field is the foundation, if you don't want to live in the future, I still think about it! "

(End of this chapter)

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