Chapter 821

"This small temple of mine is incomparable to a big mansion, Ya'er, don't dislike it." Su Qingyao said something after taking Mu Siya to visit her home.

Mu Siya said, "Yao'er, I think your house is very nice.

Small but cozy.

There is everything one should have. A room is not big, but it is enough to accommodate oneself.

This should be what home looks like, right? "

Listening to Mu Siya's tone, Su Qingyao sensed some loneliness and sadness in her.

Think about how a rich lady like Mu Siya should have been trapped in the house all the time.

Once entering a wealthy family, the depth of the sea is like the sea. People like them live in a large yard, but they trap themselves.

No wonder Mu Siya was so emotional.

A home is not expensive, but a real home, not a place to trap you.

Looking at Mu Siya's beautiful side eyes, Su Qingyao didn't know what to say to comfort her for a while.

Maybe sometimes the noble status is a kind of burden instead.

Sometimes, freedom may be more important.

Just like her, no matter in the previous life or in this life, what she desires and yearns for most is freedom.

Putting away the loneliness in her eyes, Mu Siya's mouth curled into a smile again, and she said to Su Qingyao, "Miss Su, I wonder if you can take me around your house again?"

"bring it on!"

Su Qingyao led Mu Siya around, but in fact, she hadn't done much outside, there were weeds everywhere.

But Qin Sheng has been busy around the yard for the past few days. The vegetables he planted have sprouted, the soil in the yard has loosened up, and the weeds have been cleared away. He can buy some fruit trees and flowers in the town when he goes to deliver soap tomorrow. Come back and plant.

After a while, the yard at home will slowly become more beautiful.

"Where is that place?" Mu Siya asked curiously when she saw a shed built behind the yard.

"Ahem, that's a latrine, there's nothing to visit." Su Qingyao explained awkwardly.

Mu Siya stretched her head curiously, wondering whether the toilets used by the country people were the same as those used by the people in Kyoto.

"Ya'er, the smell of the latrine is strong, let's go to the front yard." Su Qingyao greeted.

Mu Siya nodded in response, "Okay."

Before he had walked a few steps, he heard a loud fart sound in the latrine.

Both Mu Siya and Su Qingyao stopped in their tracks.

"Yao'er, is your husband in the toilet?"

Mu Siya asked, thinking in her heart that it was lucky that she didn't see the people in the toilet just now, otherwise she would have died of embarrassment.

The moment she saw Qin Sheng's big white butt, she must have been ashamed to death.

After all, she has never been in contact with a few men since she grew up, let alone seeing their bodies.

Su Qingyao frowned slightly.

Because she knew that his second-hand husband had gone up the mountain and was not at home at all.

So the person in her latrine at this moment is naturally someone else.

Su Qingyao was slightly annoyed, which pervert couldn't make it to her latrine, so she ran into her latrine?

What do you want to do?
"It's not my husband-in-law, I don't know who it is, I'll go and have a look." Su Qingyao said, and then told Mu Siya, "Ya'er, just stay here, I'll go and see by myself."

She was afraid of seeing something inappropriate.

It doesn't matter if she sees it, she has never seen anything before.

Mu Siya is a girl in the boudoir, she has never seen this unsuitable thing before.

If she saw it, she might be frightened, so she just went to take a look by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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