Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 837 Business Routine in the 21st Century

Chapter 837 Business Routine in the 21st Century

Zhao Hongxiu laughed heartily a few times, "Sister, you are a good person everywhere, but sometimes you should be humble when you shouldn't be.

Are you a sister who is a classmate and axe, can you not know?I don't even look at how many years my sister has been in business.

From my sister's point of view, you are a rare business talent.

Fortunately, my sister recognized you as a god-sister at the beginning. With such abilities, you are worthy of being my sister, Zhao Hongxiu.

My sister hopes that you will get better and better, and also has a hunch that with your appearance, you will definitely be able to do a good job in business. "

Su Qingyao smiled. She was embarrassed to say that her set of things was directly applied to that of the 21st century, and she didn't come up with it at all.

After all, it is really novel to move many things of modern people to ancient times.

Moreover, modern times are different from ancient times, the economy is developed, many places are doing business, and various marketing methods have been thoroughly studied.

Unlike ancient times, the ancient times were generally in a state of suppression for business.Pay attention to scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce, and commerce ranks at the bottom of all industries, so it is natural that there are not many marketing methods.

But Su Qingyao couldn't explain so much to Zhao Hongxiu. If she said that she was from the 21st century, she would probably be arrested as a fool.

"Daughter-in-law, Sister Zhao is right, don't be modest, I also think you are very powerful.

Hey, my wife is the smartest person in the world. "

Qin Sheng smiled, and followed Zhao Hongxiu to praise, the neat row of big white teeth is very beautiful when he smiles.

Facing such an outstanding daughter-in-law, Qin Sheng's eyebrows and eyes showed a sense of pride.

The better the daughter-in-law, the happier he is, which shows that he has found a treasure.

Being watched by Qin Sheng and Zhao Hongxiu in turn, Su Qingyao could only admit that she was amazing.

Seeing the busy shop, Su Qingyao was very satisfied.

The more people, the better the business.

Although a large number of people were attracted today through lottery draws and promotional activities, these people will definitely be satisfied after using the soap she made.

As long as the product is well done, there is no fear of repeat customers.

Today's discount method is not a loss for Su Qingyao, but it is a great opportunity for these untapped customers.

These people will only think about buying later if they experience it first.

However, the store can be opened so smoothly and run so well, and Zhao Hongxiu deserves the most credit for it.

Without Zhao Hongxiu's help, the shop probably wouldn't be able to open.

And Su Qingyao is a person who knows how to be grateful, so she thanked Zhao Hongxiu, "Sister Hong, in fact, you are the one who is most grateful.

During this period of time, you helped me with all the busy work, so that my shop opened.

The employees in the store are also smart, otherwise I would not be able to find so many people! "

Zhao Hongxiu smiled and waved her hands, "Sister Yao, what's the relationship between us, you don't need to be polite to me.

If you really thank my sister, help my sister to say more good things to your fourth brother, so that your fourth brother can accept me sooner. "

Other women would be embarrassed to say this, but Zhao Hongxiu was naturally free and easy, so she didn't feel embarrassed, so she said it directly to Su Qingyao.

If the fourth brother knew, it would be that the fourth brother was shy and embarrassed.

But when two people are together, it is a good thing that their personalities complement each other.

Otherwise, a boring person like the fourth brother, who doesn't know how to take the initiative, can hook up girls.

(End of this chapter)

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