Chapter 843
When Lu Chunqin was in the village, he often fought with other women and never lost, so he was confident that he would definitely not lose in this fight with the woman in front of him.

However, there are mountains beyond mountains, and people beyond people. Lu Chunqin feels that she is powerful, but the woman in front of her is no match for her.

Facing Lu Chunqin's fight, the woman fought back unceremoniously.

While fighting back, he cursed, "How dare you hit my old lady, okay, I'll let you taste how powerful my old lady is, and see who falls asleep."

The two wrestled together, and both were wounded.

But slowly, Lu Chunqin was in a weak position, and the woman who made the attack was even more powerful, and Lu Chunqin couldn't fight back at all.

Liu Lijuan watched from the side, seeing that Lu Chunqin was beaten pitifully, she was very anxious.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

"Mom, both of you stop fighting!"

"Please don't beat my mother, if you beat me again, she will kill her!"



Liu Lijuan called from the side, but she was pregnant and didn't dare to get involved, so she asked Lu Chunqin to pull away from the woman.

If he bumped into her, he would hurt the child in his stomach, which would be more serious than beating her mother, so he could only worry about it, but he couldn't help Lu Chunqin.

However, the woman didn't intend to stop, and directly slashed a big gash on Lu Chunqin's face.

Lu Chunqin screamed in pain, and was even more worried about whether her face would be disfigured by such a grab.

"I give up! I give up! Please spare me!"

At the end of the fight, Lu Chunqin could only beg for mercy in front of the woman, not as aggressive as before.

These days force decides everything, if you don't give in, you can only get punched, when you should give in, you have to be soft, otherwise you will be the one who suffers.This is also summed up by Lu Chunqin's decades of actual combat experience.

Although it was the first time I suffered this kind of suffering, I felt extremely wronged in my heart, and I couldn't swallow this breath, but I still chose to give in in desperation.

What can be done?It's better than getting punched again.

Seeing Lu Chunqin begging for mercy, the woman punched Lu Chunqin several times before she withdrew her hand.

"Be honest with me, don't be brave in front of me next time, or I will continue to deal with you when I meet you again, what can you do to me?" The women warned in a cold voice.

Lu Chunqin gritted her teeth and responded, "Yes, yes, I dare not, and I will never dare again."

"Give me another two taels of silver, and my mother will spare you!"

Suddenly speaking, he stretched out his hand and went to Lu Chunqin to ask for money.

Just now Lu Chunqin blackmailed her, now she will pay him back in his own way, and ask Lu Chunqin for some money.

Lu Chunqin's face suddenly collapsed, "Huh? I still need two taels of silver, this... this..."

"What is this? I accidentally bumped into your daughter, and you asked me for five taels of silver before I got hurt. Now that you've helped me get hurt like this, isn't it too much to pay two taels of silver for medical expenses?"

Lu Chunqin was naturally not happy.

Two taels of silver is not a small sum, and if the countryman can't save it for a long time, how can he compensate others for nothing?

"Don't you beat me harder? I didn't ask you for money either...

Let's cancel it out like this, right?
Don't look for me, and I won't look for you..." Lu Chunqin discussed weakly, but she didn't dare to say that her attitude was too strong, for fear of being punished by this unreasonable woman again.

"It was you who provoked me in the first place. Naturally, you are responsible for your injuries, but you have to pay me money to see a doctor for my injuries."

(End of this chapter)

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