Chapter 848

If you have money, you can spend it however you want, and no one else can control it. This is your true self.

But the husband's family has money, and the man has money, so the expenses still have to be paid by the husband's family and the man.

In such a comparison, Su Qingyao's life is much better than hers.

Liu Lijuan felt a little jealous when she thought about it, but there was nothing she could do.

This is fate, and no one can change anything.

"Mother, don't worry about others, Su Qingyao's cheap hoof is very lucky, otherwise he wouldn't have made this business."

Even knowing this fact, Lu Chunqin couldn't help but continued to mutter, "Hey... If we open this store, we will be able to eat well and drink spicy food for the rest of our lives, no worse than Xu's.

It's just that cheap hoof hiding it and not saying it. "

"Mom, don't think about it.

Anyway, it won't be too sad with me in our family. In the future, my younger brother will be promising and get a good grade in school, which is much better than Su Qingyao who makes money in business.

She has a little money like this, and only an official in the family will have the confidence. "

After Liu Lijuan comforted her in this way, Lu Chunqin felt better, nodded and replied, "Well, what you said is not bad, I will tell your brother well, let him study well and get a good name in the exam, so that he can grow up for me. Face. From now on, I will be an old lady of the official family!"


While chatting, the two of them stretched their heads to look into the shop, wanting to see if there was any sign of Su Qingyao in the shop.

After watching for a while, I finally caught a glimpse of Su Qingyao.

Lu Chunqin snorted lightly and said, "It's really that little bastard!"

"Mother, I've seen this too, let's go!" Liu Lijuan pulled Lu Chunqin, what's so good about other people's scenery?
Anyway, the more Liu Lijuan watched, the more annoyed she became.

Lu Chunqin said unwillingly, "No, I have to go find this bastard!"

Liu Lijuan asked in confusion, "Mother, why are you going to her?"

"Of course it was to make trouble with him. Could it be that he watched his business boom in vain? Anyway, I can't swallow it."

"But mother..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, mother knows what she knows. You just wait here for mother, and you don't need to do anything."

As Lu Chunqin spoke, she walked towards the crowd.

Seeing that she couldn't stop Lu Chunqin, Liu Lijuan had no choice but to let Lu Chunqin go.

If her mother can really make a fuss, she will be happy too.

Anyway, she really didn't like Su Qingyao's kindness, and she didn't want Su Qingyao to be happy.

Because of the crowd, Lu Chunqin squeezed in for a long time.

At the same time, Su Qingyao didn't notice Lu Chunqin because of the large number of people.

Lu Chunqin didn't line up like everyone else, but jumped straight to the front.

Then someone pointed at Lu Chunqin unconvinced and asked, "Why are you like this? Everyone is queuing up, but you come to jump in line, what do you mean? Go to the back and line up, who is not in a hurry to buy?" of? Don’t you all follow the rules and line up honestly?”

Seeing a customer complaining, the staff in the store also came forward to mediate, "Auntie, we buy things in the store in the order of first come, first served, one by one. If there are so many people in the queue, everyone jumps in line like you. My shop doesn't know what kind of chaos it will become.

So I ask my aunt to go back to the back of the line and slowly line up to buy, so as not to disturb others. "

Lu Chunqin snorted coldly, "No, you can't jump in line, but I can jump in line!"

(End of this chapter)

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