Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 860 4 Injured

Chapter 860 Four Injuries
But Su Qingyao didn't have any sympathy, she just felt that Liu Hongshuang should bear all these.

She never takes the initiative to find trouble with others, but if anyone dares to trouble her, she will make him suffer endlessly.

Except for the incident that came out of the trouble, everything went smoothly afterwards.

It wasn't until noon that the customers in the shop became thinner.

Most of them have gone home after morning, so Su Qingyao is not so busy.

Su Qingyao was very satisfied with the business on the first day, and Zhao Hongxiu praised it again and again.

She has been in business for so long, and she has never seen such a good business in the new shop.

Of course, all of this is due to Su Qingyao himself, who has a good business mind.

The most important thing is that soap itself is a good thing, otherwise, no matter how bad the marketing is, no one will be willing to buy it.

It was near noon that Su Qingyao closed the store, and then took all the employees in the store to a restaurant in the town for a meal.

It can be regarded as the reward banquet of the first day.

Every day can be busy.

The employees in this store, in addition to their daily wages, she also packs their daily lunch.

I had already negotiated with a small restaurant before, and I would go there to deliver food to them at noon every day, and it wouldn't cost me much money a day.

As long as the employees work hard and run the shop well, Su Qingyao is not stingy with this little money.

After a busy day, the shop closes at two or three in the afternoon.

The shops in this general town don't have much business in the afternoon, basically in the morning, and few people come out in the afternoon.

So she doesn't need to delay the store for too long, but closes the store earlier, so that the employees in the store can go home earlier to rest.

Before going back to the village, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng went to see the fourth brother together to discuss the matter of letting the fourth brother come to the shop to help.

The fourth brother was helping to renovate the house at a family member's house. When Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng passed by, the fourth brother was injured and fell back.

Going to work is a dangerous thing. When the fourth brother stepped on the beam of the house, he accidentally stepped on the air and fell from the top.

Breaking a leg is already a blessing in misfortune, but if it is more serious, falling on the head is even more dangerous.

The fourth brother was lying on the ground with cold sweat on his forehead in pain.

"Fourth brother, how are you?" Qin Sheng saw me and immediately rushed to the fourth brother, and asked the fourth brother.

Qin Qi waved his hand, and comforted Qin Sheng, "My leg hurts a bit, I don't know if it's broken.

Fifth brother, why did you come here suddenly? "

"Fourth brother, I originally wanted to discuss something with you, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Hey, it's too dangerous for you to go to work, why do you go up such a high roof! "

Qin Qi gritted his teeth in pain, and said to Qin Sheng with some difficulty, "Fifth brother, it doesn't matter. These people work, and they are paid. It's normal to do this kind of thing."

Qin Sheng sighed, and said to Qin Qi full of worry, "Fourth brother, don't do this kind of work again in the future."

Qin Qi said, "Fifth Brother, I still have to work when I recover from my injury. If I don't work, how can I get enough money to support myself?"

"Fourth brother, I came here today to discuss with you that I will work in my daughter-in-law's shop. I just need manpower, and I will be considerate when I use it. The wages I pay are not worse than those in the town, and it is easy for people. "

Qin Qi blinked, and asked excitedly, "Fifth brother, is what you said true?"

(End of this chapter)

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