Chapter 868
Su Qingyao knew that the fourth brother was different from the other brothers. He was not a person who liked to trouble others.

Even if Su Qingyao offered to help the fourth brother, the fourth brother was too embarrassed to accept it.

"Fourth brother, if we don't care about you anymore, who can care about you?"

Qin Sheng also frowned, and followed Su Qingyao in reply, "That's right, fourth brother, is it possible that you still want to lie on the bed and wait to die?

The other brothers don't care about you, but I can't be that wolf-hearted, and I definitely won't abandon you. "

Qin Qi said full of worry and guilt, "But fifth brother, you and fifth sibling are busy with the shops in the town these days, so how can you have time to take care of me.

Now that something happened to me, I really don't want to trouble you.

You should take care of your own affairs first, and your fifth room is the most important thing. "

"Fourth brother, don't worry about this, I'm busy, but it's not like I can't find time at all.

When I get back from my work in the shop, I'll come to your place and take care of you.

As for this morning, you can ask someone to come over and take care of it.

Anyway, he doesn't need others to help him take a bath and wipe his body, I will do it.

Fourth brother, we are brothers, so don't be polite to me, understand?

When I was injured before, you helped me do a lot of the work at home.

The two of us really support each other, you can't help me when I am in trouble, don't you let me help you when you are in trouble, then I will feel sorry, and it seems that I am very heartless. "

When the family first separated, only the fourth brother cared about the fourth room. The kitchen at home was built by the fourth brother and Liu Dazhu together, and they didn't ask for any compensation.

The fourth brother's concern is always in Qin Sheng's heart, thinking about when he can repay him.

Now comes the chance.

Although he didn't want such an opportunity, after all, it was based on the injury of the fourth brother.

According to Qin Sheng, the fourth brother can accept Qin Sheng's care.The fourth brother was still a little worried, "But hiring someone definitely requires money, I'm afraid I won't be able to give it..."

During this period of time, I can't help with work, and eating and drinking at home will definitely cost money, as well as medical expenses.

He really couldn't afford the money, so he asked someone to come and help take care of him.

Qin Sheng patted Fourth Brother on the shoulder, and comforted him, "Fourth Brother, you don't have to worry about this, I'll help you with the money if I'm here!"

The fourth brother quickly refused, "No, no, fifth brother, how can this be done!

I am already very grateful for your help to look after me. I have already troubled you enough, and now I need you to spend money. "

"Fourth brother, it's okay."

"No, no, no! You are asked to contribute money and effort. If so, I don't even want you to contribute energy."

Su Qingyao admired the temperament of the fourth brother who didn't like to take advantage of others.

If it were someone else, they probably wouldn't refuse.

The fourth brother's behavior is really good.

In order to reassure the fourth brother, Su Qingyao said, "Fourth brother, otherwise, please ask someone to take care of your money, and our fifth room is just helping to pay for it first.

When fourth brother recovers from your injury, go to my shop to help, and then slowly calculate the wages I want to pay, how about it? "

Su Qingyao's doing so can be regarded as a loan to the fourth brother.

"Fourth brother, you just agree, our fifth room is just helping you to advance some money, there is no loss.

Between these brothers, do you still need to calculate so much? "

After thinking for a while, the fourth brother said he could accept it.

As long as it's not for nothing.

This will make him feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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