Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 873 Qin Fang's Discipline

Chapter 873 Qin Fang's Discipline

So this time, Su Qingyao believed in Cao Shi in her heart.

Su Qingyao patted Cao's hand and said, "Sister-in-law three, I believe you.

I happen to like this sweet potato too, so I'll just keep it? "

Mrs. Cao nodded happily, "Yeah, you can keep the fifth sibling, as long as you don't dislike her.

If you still want to eat after eating, just tell Mrs. San, and I will get it for you. "

"Okay, sister-in-law three." Su Qingyao was not polite.

But what surprised Su Qingyao was Cao's attitude.

Before that, Cao's temperament was quite weird, and he liked to find fault with her and Shen's.

Today it suddenly changed.

I don't know if it's because I have experienced some things that I have changed my temperament, or I have become more enlightened and understand the truth.

But no matter what the reason for Cao's change was, Su Qingyao didn't care much.

As long as Cao Shi doesn't hate it like before.

When others are kind to her, she is also kind to others. This is a mutual process.

Cao's face was full of joy, and he was really happy in his heart.

Wu Shi seemed a little angry, curled her lips, her face full of displeasure.

Cao Shi didn't bother to talk to Wu Shi either.

Her sister-in-law just looked jealous.

At this time, Qin Fang heard the commotion outside, and couldn't help coming out and scolding Cao, "You prodigal woman, the family has nothing to eat, you go and give the sweet potatoes to others, you can't keep them for yourself ah?"

Qin Fang was naturally reluctant to give away the food for nothing.

Especially for Wufang and Shen...

"The second sister-in-law and fifth younger brother's family are getting better and better, so they will lose so many sweet potatoes?
For us, it is something to fill our stomachs, and it is given to them!

I didn't see what they gave us to Sanfang!

You mother-in-law are getting more and more capable, and you dare to be the master of our family's affairs. You don't discuss with me when you send food to others, and you send it yourself. "

If Cao Shi was not pregnant now, Qin Fang guessed that he would have done something to Cao Shi long ago.

In order not to hurt his son, Qin Fang endured it.

When Wu Shi heard Qin Fang's scolding, she felt a little gloated.

What Cao Shi said just now made her very upset, now let's see how Qin Fang treats Cao Shi.

She didn't think it was a big deal, followed Qin Fang and said, "Isn't it!
The third younger siblings are also true, they have nothing to do to be courteous, and their own family is so poor that they can't get rid of the pot, so they even give things to the second and fifth younger siblings.

What's so good about this big head?
Haha, it's not like I'm making my family suffer.

Third brother, you have to educate and educate, don't let the third brother and sister continue to be stupid like this. "

Mrs. Cao glared at Mrs. Wu, gnashing her teeth in hatred for Mrs. Wu.

"Sister-in-law, it's none of your business, why did you come here to meddle?
Just take care of the affairs of your big house, and you still have the face to criticize me.

I don't even look at what kind of daughter you have taught yourself, who has brought shame to our Qin family and implicated the rest of us.

In the future, my daughter will definitely be affected when she reaches her age. If she can't find a good husband, I'm looking for your eldest wife to settle the score. "

Although Mrs. Cao was more polite to Su Qingyao, it was still the same as before.

When you are upset, you still treat him with a violent temper.

Qin Yu'er is the shame of the Qin family.

Wu Shi didn't expect that now Cao Shi's tongue skills are getting more and more dexterous, and he can always touch her pain points, which really makes her mad.

"You mother-in-law is still yelling, and what the sister-in-law said is not without reason. Now the life of the second sister-in-law and the fifth sibling's family is very good, so why don't you send some sweet potatoes there?"

(End of this chapter)

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