Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 876 She Came From Another World

Chapter 876 She Came From Another World

"Daughter-in-law, I'm a country man, and I haven't studied much before, although I can't broaden my horizons like some people.

Haven't I slowly changed now...

But having said that, daughter-in-law, why are you so good?
Obviously you are also a little country girl, so you should be like me.

But why do you know everything?Simply amazing.

I feel that there is nothing you can't do, daughter-in-law..."

Qin Sheng muttered, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

Anyway, he felt that something was wrong with his wife.

I didn't feel anything before, but now I feel a little weird.

The daughter-in-law is so powerful and knows so many things, where did she learn it?

After hearing Qin Sheng's nagging, Su Qingyao replied, "What can I do? I'm smart!"

"Daughter-in-law, you say I'm thick-skinned and narcissistic, but I think you're just like me, and you're not necessarily worse than me. You don't feel ashamed at all when you brag about yourself."

Su Qingyao hooked her lips, "I'm different from you. What I said was the truth, and you praised yourself too much! Could it be that you don't think I'm smart."

"Daughter-in-law, smart is smart, but you know so many things, you won't be self-taught. Where did you learn it?"

Su Qingyao was silent for a while, and then looked at Qin Sheng, "If I told you that I am not from this world, but from another world, would you believe me?"

Qin Sheng looked at Su Qingyao, was taken aback for a moment, and then asked Su Qingyao full of horror, " are not a crawled up from the ground!

My god, so I married a female ghost? "

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched violently, and her face became more and more serious.

This idiot actually called her a ghost!
"You're looking for death, who is the ghost?" Su Qingyao gritted her teeth, wishing she could eat Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng patted his chest and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't tell me, you were so ugly at first, you are really ugly like a ghost.

Wife, tell me the truth, are you a ghost?

If you are really a ghost, then my husband will admit it too!
Women marry chickens as chickens, dogs as dogs, and men marry wives as well.

Even if you marry a ghost, you have to be responsible when you marry back. "

If Su Qingyao was a female ghost, she would have been a little cautious when she heard it, but Qin Sheng still wanted to continue being with Su Qingyao.

The daughter-in-law is a female ghost, and she must be a good female ghost, so she won't harm him.

And no matter whether his wife is a human or a ghost, he likes her after all, so he doesn't mind.

Su Qingyao twisted Qin Sheng's arm, and Qin Sheng yelled that it hurt too much.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you hitting me!"

"Who made you unable to speak! You actually said that I was a female ghost.

If I were a ghost, I would be the first to eat you! "

Qin Sheng looked at Su Qingyao with some grievances, "Okay...Daughter-in-law, I made a mistake, I'm stupid, I apologize to you.

But daughter-in-law, you said you came from another world, wouldn't that mean you climbed up from hell?Where else can it come from? "

Su Qingyao pointed to the sky, "Can't I come from the sky? Do I have to come from the ground?"

Qin Sheng thought for a moment, then said, "Daughter-in-law, do you mean that you are a fairy in the sky?


Daughter-in-law, what you say is ridiculous!



Qin Sheng laughed so happily that Su Qingyao became a little annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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