Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 899 Making Toothpaste

Chapter 899 Making Toothpaste

Su Qingyao couldn't help asking, "Qin Cheng, why didn't you soak your feet with me just now? Isn't it troublesome to bring a basin of water now?"

Qin Sheng chuckled and said, "Daughter-in-law, your husband's feet are smelly, don't take a bath with you, it will stink your feet too."

Su Qingyao was stunned for a few seconds before laughing, "You do know yourself!"

"That is, of course your husband is self-aware!"

"It depends on your patience."

After the two of them took a bath, they lay down on one end and fell asleep.

Both of them ate a lot of garlic tonight, so the taste is very strong.

Now they fell asleep facing each other, almost not being smoked by the other party.

Under such circumstances, even if Qin Sheng wanted to kiss Su Qingyao's little mouth, he couldn't.

"Daughter-in-law, it seems that we will not be able to eat garlic in the future, the taste is too strong."

"It's a little bit, but I like to eat."

"Daughter-in-law, that's not okay, can't I kiss your little mouth every day?"


Su Qingyao thought about it for a while, mainly because there were no teeth cleaning products in ancient times, basically brushing teeth with salt, although it can play a certain role, but the taste in the mouth is not easy to get rid of, after all, it is not as good as toothpaste.

If you have the toothpaste of the 21st century, you can brush it several times to make the taste in your mouth lighter.

Thinking of toothpaste, Su Qingyao thought that she could make some.

Although it is a bit troublesome to find the materials, you should be able to buy them if you go to the pharmacy and ask.

Unlike her ointment for removing scars, which requires those precious medicinal materials, making toothpaste does not use any precious medicinal materials.

Mainly put some ginger juice, mint and the like.

Of course, the toothpaste she made is not like the toothpaste of the 21st century, but it is very effective for cleaning teeth and refreshing breath, much stronger than using salt directly.

Su Qingyao thought in her heart that when she developed the toothpaste, she could still buy it in the shop.

This toothpaste and soap are common daily necessities, and selling them together may have a driving effect.

In addition, there is no such thing as toothpaste in this era, so she can know that many people will buy it as soon as it is released.

Especially those from rich families.

This price is determined by the cost, but the profit will definitely be huge.

Her shop doesn't just sell soap. She has to look around and slowly buy some household utensils that women like.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you thinking?" Seeing that Su Qingyao had been silent for so long, Qin Sheng thought something was wrong with Su Qingyao. "Aren't you angry with me? I don't dislike you!

The taste is a bit heavy, but I can kiss my daughter-in-law's small mouth. "

As he spoke, Qin Sheng pouted, and moved closer to Su Qingyao.

Su Qingyao hurriedly pushed this guy away, "Pervert, stop, don't come over."

"Daughter-in-law, why don't you want to kiss your father-in-law so much!"

"Sleep, sleep, kiss again tomorrow night."

Qin Sheng didn't insist.

He doesn't dislike the taste in his wife's mouth, and her daughter-in-law probably dislikes him.

Wait until you don't eat garlic tomorrow night, and then kiss your wife.

"Hey, that's good, daughter-in-law, let's sleep."


After a good night's dream, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng drove the carriage to the town the next morning.

On the way, I ran into Liu Xiaolan and Mrs. Liu.

The mother and daughter didn't know whether they didn't catch up with the ox cart, or because they felt ashamed and afraid that others would say it, so they didn't do it on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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