Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 907 Tease Liu Xiaolan

Chapter 907 Tease Liu Xiaolan
Liu Xiaolan's head was lowered even lower, her cheeks were flushed, which made people feel more pampered.

Mu Shaoqing liked this kind of woman in Hualou before.

He likes women, obeys him and worships him, only in this way can he gain a sense of self-esteem and pride in his heart.

He also likes Liu Xiaolan's appearance now.

"The girl just underestimates herself too much. Has no one said that the girl is very good-looking?"

In front of Mrs. Liu, Mu Shaoqing didn't feel embarrassed at all when she flirted.

Because he knew that no matter what, Mrs. Liu would definitely not object to him being with Liu Xiaolan.

Maybe she still longs for this girl to climb up to him!
If he could flirt with Liu Xiaolan, Mrs. Liu would definitely wish for it.

And Liu Xiaolan pretended to be shy on the surface, but in fact she was very happy in her heart, feeling that she was about to climb up the big branch of Mu Shaoqing immediately.

"Master are the first one to say that I am good-looking..." Liu Xiaolan replied shyly.

Mu Shaoqing smiled heartily, "Haha, it's because the people in your village have bad eyesight, I can't help but see how pretty the girl is, why doesn't anyone look at her?
I wonder if the girl is married? "

Liu Xiaolan quickly shook her head, "Not yet."

"I don't know how old the girl is this year?"

"Twenty-eight is more than enough."

"That's past Jiji's age, so we should be discussing marriage proposals."

Naturally, Liu Xiaolan would not tell the embarrassing things about herself before.

In front of Mu Shaoqing, if you can hide it, hide it.

If Mu Shaoqing knew that she had been divorced by someone else's family, and then went to seduce Qin Sheng, Mu Shaoqing probably wouldn't fall in love with her.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly explained to the side, "My girl hasn't seen each other yet, so I'm not in a hurry. Not everyone in the country gets married so early."

Mu Shaoqing smiled slightly and said, "I just don't know who will be lucky enough to marry someone like a girl in the future."

Liu Xiaolan lowered her head, "Master, you are joking, it would be great if someone could take a fancy to me."

These words are undoubtedly implying to Mu Shaoqing, as long as Mu Shaoqing is willing to say that he has a crush on her, then she will definitely be with Mu Shaoqing without hesitation.

However, at this moment, the carriage had already arrived in the town, and the boy who drove the carriage outside yelled into the carriage, "My lord, we have arrived."

Now that they have arrived in the town, Liu Xiaolan's mother and daughter are naturally embarrassed to continue to stay in Mu Shaoqing's carriage, so the two had no choice but to get up and leave.

"Master Mu, thank you for being with my mother and me today. When I get back to the village, I will definitely come to thank you, Master." Liu Xiaolan said shyly.

Mu Shaoqing didn't refuse, but nodded, "Well, okay, then I look forward to seeing the girl when I go back to the village."

Liu Xiaolan's mother and daughter got out of the carriage reluctantly.

After walking a few steps away, Mrs. Liu excitedly took Liu Xiaolan's hand, "I said girl, this Mr. Mu seems to have taken a fancy to you. did this happen?

If you can be with this Mr. Mu, wouldn't our family be able to flourish? "

But Liu Xiaolan bit her lower lip shyly, "Mother, it's something that hasn't even been written yet!
Besides, what is Mr. Mu's status, can he like me, a country girl? "

Mrs. Liu disagreed, "That's not necessarily the case, maybe people like you like this.

Xiaolan, it wasn't mother who said, if Mr. Mu really didn't mean anything to you, he wouldn't be kind enough to let us carry the carriage. "

(End of this chapter)

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