Chapter 914

Hu Datou asked in a cold voice, "Why? What do you think I want to do?"

"Hu Datou... My daughter doesn't agree to be with you, you can't force it, can you?
Talking about marriage is voluntary. If you mess around and force our Liu family, I will go to the government to sue you, so that you can't afford it. "

Although Mrs. Liu was frightened, she still insisted on replying.

Hu Datou thumped the table, "Who told you about this!"

Mrs. Liu was taken aback for a moment, then asked back, "Then what are you talking about?"

"You eat so much, you have to pay, right?

Pay the money first before leaving, or are you still counting on our Hu family? "Hu Datou's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Mrs. Liu was stunned for a moment before she realized that Hu Datou asked her to pay the money herself.

She just ate so much just to avoid giving money. Under normal circumstances, isn't the man responsible for paying the bill?Why let her settle the bill by herself.

"Um... I pay?"

Hu Datou replied with a cold face, "You didn't pay the money, so could it be that you expect me to pay for you?"

Mrs. Liu wondered in her heart that she was expecting Hu Datou to pay the money, but when she saw Hu Datou's dark face, Mrs. Liu was too frightened to say anything.

The high matchmaker on the side also responded, "The marriage of your two families failed? It doesn't matter if you become the man and help pay for it. Now there is nothing. Is it possible that a man deserves to buy you so many good things?"

Mrs. Liu felt that she was in the wrong, but just now she and Liu Xiaolan ate a lot on purpose. How much will it cost after all this?

Their Liu family was so poor now, she was really reluctant to eat so much all at once.

"Don't leave without paying." Hu Datou angrily said.

How dare Mrs. Liu provoke a ruthless person like Hu Datou at will?

No matter how reluctant he was, he could only admit defeat this time.

Mrs. Liu had no choice but to bear the pain and bought it.

Because she ate a lot, she spent more than 30 Wen at once, which made Mrs. Liu very heartbroken.

Thirty Wen was enough for him to buy two catties of pork back home, but he ended up having some breakfast, and the more he thought about it, the worse he felt.

Fortunately, the Hu family didn't make much noise, otherwise today's matter might not be so easy.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng stayed in the shop, and Qin Sheng, under Su Qingyao's guidance, started to do the accounts for the shop.

Basically, the shop has to keep accounts every day, so as to know how much soap is sold in a day and how much money is entered.

All these miscellaneous things have to be sorted out, and the staff cost, production cost, and some daily expenses belonging to the store have to be included.

However, for ancient people, it is more complicated to make accounts, which are basically recorded in traditional Chinese characters.

Also, calculations are more troublesome. A professional accountant will learn abacus on purpose, but Su Qingyao is not proficient in abacus, so there is no way to teach Qin Sheng.

Under normal circumstances, slightly larger shops and restaurants will invite special accountants to come over, and these accountants are educated and have a certain level of education.

If Su Qingyao finds someone to do the billing, she doesn't go through her own hands, and some places are deliberately omitted, so it is difficult for her to find out, so she is not at ease.

Second, finding an accountant will require labor costs. Since you can use someone, why bother to hire another one.

She taught Qin Sheng slowly, and it would also give this guy another skill, which was always good for him.

(End of this chapter)

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