Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 930 is a restless

Chapter 930 is a restless
After hearing Yin Cuihua's words, everyone felt envious.

This Yin Cuihua is really lucky, somehow she got a good wife back for nothing?

Someone said sourly, "Hey, sister-in-law of the Qin family, your family is really lucky to have such a good wife."

Is Yin Cuihua polite, "That is, the sixth child in our family is naturally blessed, and such a blessing is not available to ordinary people."

Seeing Yin Cuihua's triumphant face, everyone thought in their hearts that she should continue to be complacent, and see how long she can be complacent.

Although the daughter-in-law was born good-looking and looks pretty good, but the small temple can't accommodate the big Buddha, who knows if this daughter-in-law will run away in the future?
It's better to find a girl from an ordinary family.

It's not a good thing to be too high-ranking who deserves who.

Of course, most of the people are complaining about the Qin family.

Yin Cuihua can't control that much, knowing that all these women are jealous, they can say whatever they like, anyway, she knows they are jealous of her.

In the afternoon, Shen Shi and Wang Jinlan came to her house to make soap together, and Su Qingyao heard about it.

Originally, Su Qingyao thought that Qin Kui's virtuous girl was willing to be with him, but who knew that someone would be willing to be with him if she was so capable, and she was on good terms.

Shen sighed, "Fifth brother and sister, sixth brother is really lucky.

Didn't the six younger siblings all praise her for her beauty?To be able to marry into our Qin family!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, it would be hard for me to believe it. "

Wang Jinlan also responded from the side, "Yes, I saw it too, she is indeed handsome, beautiful and charming, but she doesn't seem like a quiet woman."

After speaking, Wang Jinlan realized that what she said was wrong, and hurriedly said from Su Qingyao and Shen Shi, "Don't blame me, I just can't control my mouth and like to talk nonsense. Maybe she is a quiet girl. If someone listens to this If you say what I said, you may have to say that I am talking nonsense."

Fortunately, he said it in front of Su Qingyao and Chen Shi. If it were any other woman with a big mouth, he would have spread his words by now.

At that time, Yin Cuihua had no choice but to make a fuss with her, and it was true that she had nothing to say about this matter.

After being told by Wang Jinlan, Su Qingyao became more and more curious about what the sixth sibling was like.

"Sister-in-law Jinlan, from what you've said, it seems that my sixth sibling is really good-looking!"

"Yeah, not only her appearance, I saw that her dress is pretty good, among other things, she has gold and silver jewelry in her clothes, from all over the world, which ordinary girl can dress like this?"

While muttering to herself, Wang Jinlan was also curious about Lin Ruyue's identity.

Su Qingyao also became curious.

This sixth younger sibling is really what Wang Jinlan said, so why is she so fond of her sixth younger brother?
With this condition, you can find a better family, right?
The Qin family is poor, right? Could it be that a fool would choose to marry here!
Shen Shi also responded, "Yeah, it's really unusual to look at it, and it's a little different from ours in words and deeds.

It doesn't look like they came from the countryside, it seems that the family used to be rich. "

"That's even more strange. How did people fall in love with Sixth Brother?"

"I heard that the parents of the sixth brother and sister died. Originally, they went to our town to join relatives. Who knew that the relatives were not there, so they thought about getting married. It would be nice to have a stable family, and then fell in love with the sixth brother."

(End of this chapter)

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