Chapter 955
But the most important thing is to rely on yourself!

Only when you have money in your hands will you be more confident.

Even if one day he is abandoned by a man, that can still make his life easy and unrestrained.

This is also the reason why Su Qingyao is so happy to make money at this time.

After the promotion last time, the toothpaste in Su Qingyao's shop sold well, even better than soap.

After all, toothpaste is cheaper, and ten cents a spoonful is within the acceptable range of many people.

So many ordinary families gritted their teeth and bought toothpaste to take back.

Even Zhao Hongxiu praised the benefits of toothpaste after using the toothpaste made by Su Qingyao.

The business in the shop is naturally getting better and better.

Su Qingyao has a lot of income every day, and Su Qingyao is also very satisfied with her current state.

Every day at two o'clock and one line, I go back and forth between my shop and the village.

Before we knew it, we entered deep winter.

The weather is getting colder and colder.

But luckily, Qin Sheng made sweaters for the family of three before winter came.

The sweater is sewn with cotton batting, and under Qin Sheng's careful making, the style looks pretty good.

At least Su Qingyao's cotton padded jacket looks pretty, with beautiful flowers embroidered on it, the pink clothes make Su Qingyao cute and cute.

In addition, Qin Sheng also sewed a pair of gloves for Su Qingyao from the rabbit skin that was peeled off earlier.

The gloves were worn to keep out the cold, and this guy was so skilled that he could make a pair of gloves very delicately.

"Daughter-in-law, seeing that you are wearing so many clothes and gloves, why are your hands still so cold?"

Qin Sheng touched Su Qingyao's cold fingertips, frowned, and pondered a little puzzled.

"Maybe I'm cold!" Su Qingyao said.

In fact, she didn't feel how cold it was, it's just that her fingers were a little colder.

This is related to the individual's physique, and some people's physique is like this.

Like in her previous life, in winter, even though she didn't wear many clothes, her hands were very warm.

For more than ten years, with the original owner's body, which year has he not been able to suffer from the cold?
If things go on like this, the body will be affected and soaked in some cold air, which makes my body like this.

It seems that we have to take good care of it. A woman's body cold is not a good thing, and it may affect childbirth in the future.

"Daughter-in-law, this won't work, I have to find a way..." Qin Sheng muttered.

Su Qingyao smiled, "What can I do?"

"Got to get something to warm your hands!"

"What are you doing?" Su Qingyao asked.

If this is quite easy to handle in the 21st century, such as hand warmers and hot water bottles, they can all be used to warm hands.

But it was different in ancient times.

The level of ancient science and technology is not good enough, and many things cannot be manufactured at all.

Even the simplest hot water bag is a bit difficult to make.

There are not enough materials in ancient times, and it is really not easy to do it by pure handwork.So Su Qingyao doesn't count on it, otherwise she can do all these things by herself.

Qin Sheng was serious and deep in thought, "Daughter-in-law, I have to think about it.

Anyway, I can't let your hands get cold, or your husband will feel sorry for you!
I'm thinking from now on, let's warm my hands with myself before I think of a solution. "

As Qin Sheng said, he held up Su Qingyao's hand, rubbed it in his own, and then heaved a few breaths at Su Qingyao's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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