Chapter 979

Su Qingyao raised her eyebrows, "This."

As if knowing that Su Qingyao was going to reject him, Qin Sheng immediately showed an aggrieved look, "Daughter-in-law, you wouldn't be so cruel, would you? Do you want to reject me even for this?
Isn't it just a little kiss?This is already the minimum requirement, otherwise there is no way to make up for the trauma your husband suffered in his heart. "

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched slightly, this guy...
When did kissing become the bare minimum?Obviously, a kiss was a luxury before.

Maybe she gave this guy more, so the lion opened his mouth and wanted more benefits.

"Daughter-in-law, you won't even satisfy your husband-in-law with this little request?

If you don't agree, I will directly play tricks on you at night, so that you can't stop under me. Even if you beg for mercy, I won't let you go easily. "

Su Qingyao trembled from Qin Sheng's fright.

This guy. Su Qingyao believes that he is not joking, but will really do it.

Compared with being tossed on the bed, a kiss is nothing at all.

So Su Qingyao hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, let's kiss."

"Hey, daughter-in-law, this is the right way! Come on, come and kiss me!"

As Qin Sheng said, he deliberately pouted his mouth high to let Su Qingyao kiss him.

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched a few times, "Come and kiss me, why did you ask me to kiss you!"

"Daughter-in-law, no, this time you take the initiative, don't always let your husband take the initiative."

Su Qingyao was a little embarrassed. Her initiative to kiss Qin Sheng had a different meaning from Qin Sheng's initiative to kiss her.

"Keep an inch!" Su Qingyao complained to Qin Sheng.

"Daughter-in-law, how can I make progress? Can't you take the initiative?

Such a small request is actually not too much.”

Su Qingyao was a little speechless. Looking at Qin Sheng's tormenting face, she knew that if she refused, Qin Sheng would make trouble with her.

After thinking about it, Su Qingyao said, "Okay, then I'll take the initiative, hurry up!"

Finish a task early. Finish a task early.

"Put your face here!" Su Qingyao stretched out her little finger and hooked Qin Sheng.

At this moment, Qin Sheng felt that his daughter-in-law was unusually charming and seductive, and his heart was almost taken away.The daughter-in-law became charming, really like a goblin, and the fascinated people were fascinated.

Qin Sheng couldn't control himself, he immediately moved to Su Qingyao, stretched his face for Su Qingyao to kiss.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm here." Qin Sheng said, with a touch of impatience in his tone.

Su Qingyao kissed Qin Sheng's face with a "baji".

However, as soon as they kissed, Shen Shi and Wang Jinlan came over together. Seeing this scene, they felt a little embarrassed.

Anyone who encounters intimacy between husband and wife will be embarrassed, especially between acquaintances.

Shen's cheeks were red, and she stepped back, as if she wanted to turn back, so that it would not be so embarrassing.

And Wang Jinlan is a little thicker than Shen Shi. After seeing Su Qingyao, she smiled and said, "That. Haha, it seems that we came at a bad time and disturbed you."

Su Qingyao's cheeks were slightly red, and she twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "Fortunately, sister-in-law Jinlan, there is no special disturbance."

It's just a little embarrassing, after all, she's not a thick-skinned person either.

Unlike Qin Sheng, although he was seen, he didn't even seem to have anything to do with it, instead he was smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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