Chapter 996
None of them know medical skills, so they don't know what happened to Yin Cuihua, but Su Qingyao knows medical skills. Those who have treated people's diseases and injuries before may be able to see what happened to Yin Cuihua.

Although Qin Sheng didn't want to see Yin Cuihua in his heart, Yin Cuihua was his mother after all, so he couldn't just watch what happened to Yin Cuihua.

Su Qingyao's eyes narrowed slightly. Facing the help Qin Sheng was seeking at this time, she didn't care so much with Yin Cuihua, but stepped forward to check on Yin Cuihua's situation.

"She was too excited, and she was so angry that it caused such a result. It's no big deal, just don't say anything to anger her later, otherwise it will probably be very serious."

Su Qingyao said lightly, then stretched out her hand and tapped an acupuncture point on Yin Cuihua's chest, and Yin Cuihua gasped.

After hearing Su Qingyao's words, although Wu Shi and Cao Shi still wanted to say a few words, they were afraid that Yin Cuihua would trouble them if something happened, so they shut up resentfully and didn't say anything.

"Mother, don't be angry, it's your own body that gets angry. Don't worry too much about some small things, or you will be the one who suffers." Qin Sheng reminded from the side.

It means that even if the people in the other rooms really only give gifts of ten cents and eight cents, Yin Cuihua should not argue.

The feeling that Yin Cuihua almost died just now made her very uncomfortable. No matter how unhappy she was, she didn't dare to argue, otherwise, if she lost her life, what else could she say?

Yin Cuihua could only curse in her heart that the people in the room had no conscience, and everyone was picky.

Because of Yin Cuihua's anger and blood attack, the atmosphere of the family eating together was a bit dull, and the meat in the bowl had been eaten, and the people in several rooms hurriedly finished eating and then dispersed.

The big house, the second room and the third room had no room, and they gave some [-] Wen as a compromise, and Su Qingyao took [-] Wen.

Under normal circumstances, Wufang only took so much money, maybe Yin Cuihua would have said something cursing, because Wufang has money, and it seems a bit shabby to spend twenty or thirty yuan.

But compared with the other people in the house, Su Qingyao took a lot. Compared with the ordinary people in the village, Su Qingyao's [-] Wen was really enough.

The people from several houses gave so little money in total, Yin Cuihua naturally didn't lose money, but she didn't earn that much, at least it was much less than what he expected and expected.

Yin Cuihua's heart ached, but she couldn't make a fuss, so the matter was left alone.

After the people from several rooms finished eating, they left separately. Qin Kui and Lin Ruyue went back to the room in the sixth room. After a while, they heard exaggerated shouts from the room, and they knew what was going on in the room without thinking.

Su Qingyao was a little speechless, it was the first time she met such a disgusting person.

Qin Sheng was speechless.

Su Qingyao shook her head, and didn't bother to care so much.Instead, together with Qin Sheng, when they left the Qin family's courtyard, they first visited the fourth brother's house to see if there was anything that the fourth brother needed to take care of.

In the evening, the fourth brother also ate the food cooked by Yin Cuihua.

(End of this chapter)

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