Failed to remarry today

Chapter 1004 Let's Never Separate 1

Chapter 1004 Let's Never Separate 1

Gu Qian slapped him, twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Lin Ruoyang, do you know what I'm looking for you for today?"

Lin Ruoyang was stunned for a few seconds.

"I'm here to get back together with you."

Lin Ruoyang looked at her unexpectedly, and was stunned again.

As Gu Qian said, her eyes filled with mist and looked at him again.

There were lipstick marks all over Lin Ruoyang's neck and face. He was still wearing a bathrobe, and his hair was still wet.

Gu Qian turned her body sideways and saw Ji Qianning inside...

She was lying on the sofa, disheveled and flushed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what they have been through.

The corners of her lips curled up in a sarcastic arc: "But now, I officially announce that we're done for. You, Lin Ruoyang, are out."

After speaking, she walked forward.

Lin Ruoyang held her back and hurriedly wanted to explain, but before she could say anything, she heard Ji Qianning in the room say: "Brother Ruoyang, help, help me..."

Gu Qian exploded when she heard this, and flung him away fiercely, running out with tears in her eyes.

Lin Ruoyang wanted to catch up, but Ji Qianning, who looked at the drugged and uncomfortable face, thought twice and still didn't catch up.

He had just finished his work and took a shower when there was a quick knock on the door, and immediately after that, he saw Ji Qianning, who had been drugged, standing at the door.

His eyes widened, and before he could react, Ji Qianning hugged him and kissed him, pushed him onto the sofa, and then Gu Qian saw...

He just wanted to explain, but he didn't give her a chance at all.

Looking at Ji Qianning's appearance, Lin Ruoyang knew that the medicine given to her was very strong.

If some aphrodisiacs are not treated in time or taken, they will cause great harm to the body.

Especially Qian Ning's body is still in the recovery period.

Lin Ruoyang glanced at Ji Qianning, then at the place where Gu Qian disappeared, and finally gritted his teeth and called his assistant to ask him to follow Gu Qian.

Then she carried Ji Qianning downstairs and went to the hospital.


After Gu Qian ran out, she felt that she couldn't even breathe smoothly.

She really didn't expect to see that kind of sight.

Fortunately, she still wants to get back together with him, but they are like this...

Gu Qian couldn't help thinking that in the past few years, lonely men and widows, they must have had many relationships.

Otherwise, why hasn't Lin Ruoyang caught up with her until now?
Holding back her tears, Gu Qian got on a bus indiscriminately and arrived at the airport, then took a flight that was about to take off, went through the security check, boarded the plane, watched the cabin door close, ran up, took off, and left the city.

She didn't even think about it, and left directly.

Now she doesn't want to see anyone or hear anyone, she just wants to get out of here.

She didn't know what she did wrong to make her face such a thing.

Maybe she is really cheap, others can disappear without a word for four years, and with the last few words, she can forgive him, and even take the initiative to find him.

I thought he really liked her, but I didn't expect to see such a situation.

There were very few people in the cabin, almost none.

Gu Qian buried her face in the blanket and began to cry.


The assistant received a call from Lin Ruoyang, who was still taking a shower.

His second uncle, just after taking a shower after get off work, he heard that he was asked to find Miss Gu. The key point is that New York is so big, where would he find it?

By the time he finally found Dao Gu Qian's exit record, he had already left for Moscow.

I can't help but feel big for a while, really helping the immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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