Chapter 947

Today he clearly saw the worry in her eyes, and knew that it was good to worry about him.

He kissed her lips lightly, and said rascally: "Who will touch my wife if I don't?"

Lin Annuan cried in his arms when she heard this.

If you don't leave this broken place for a day, you can't feel at ease for a day.

She had a premonition that the child would be born in these few days.

To poison Betty, with such a powerful Layton beside him, he can definitely develop an antidote immediately.

If it was developed, her poor child would have her heart cut out.

As Lin Annuan thought about it, her heart throbbed.

She asked tremblingly: "Gu Liangsheng, when can we leave here?"

Gu Liangsheng hugged him tightly, and said in a deep voice, "It's coming soon, just hold on, at most two days, and we'll be able to leave here."

Lin Annuan choked up and asked, "Really?"

"Yeah." Gu Liangsheng's eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a low voice: "This virus is not an ordinary virus. He will come to find an antidote in at most two days, and we can go out by then."

That medicine was developed by Wei Ran Beihua for eight years, just to subdue him with medicine one day.

Looks like it worked today.

In fact, Wei Ranbei never wanted to use this medicine on his father, but he is really unforgivable.


At this time, the entire manor was shrouded in a low air pressure, and people were panicked.

Petit Jay was lying on the hospital bed but didn't know it.

The doctors came and went in and out of his room, their faces were full of sorrow, and they couldn't help sighing.

Boss has never seen this virus before. If they don't wake up, they will definitely be dragged to be buried with them.

No one wants to die.

Including Layton too, he looked at the data with a frown, looking a little anxious.

Having been a doctor for so long, it can be said that he is a top doctor, but now he finds out that there are viruses that he doesn't know about.

The components of this virus are all kinds of strange, and he found that there are still several components that he has never seen before, which shows that he has encountered a problem.

Layton flipped through the data, his brows slowly getting tighter and tighter.

Because he found that the cells in Beidijue's body were deteriorating at the fastest speed and growing in his body.

This virus is a bit similar to Lin Annuan's original blood type virus, both can reproduce with or without bacteria.

Now Bei Dijue's body has been seriously worn out, and half of it has been attacked by the virus in just one afternoon.

If it goes on like this, his body won't survive two days without an antidote.

Layton frowned coldly, as if he was thinking about something...

In fact, it's not about usurping the throne or anything, the whole manor doesn't know it.

Because no matter who they are, as long as they are human beings, Bei Dijue made them all poisoned, in case they ran out and brought him hidden dangers.

Get the antidote in the middle of every month.

Now this month is almost in the middle of the month, if the antidote is not taken, everyone will die suddenly and be buried with Bei Dijue.

This is the cause of panic.

Including Leighton too...

Although his medical skills are superb, but Gu is not within the scope of his skills.

So that is to say, if Bei Dijue can't wake up, their lifespan is only a few days left?
Do not……


The suffocating atmosphere spread to the next day, Bei Dijue's face was pale, his lips were bruised, and he still didn't wake up.

Unsurprisingly, his body couldn't survive today at a time when his body was rapidly deteriorating.

(End of this chapter)

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