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Chapter 990 I Keep You, But You Are Gone 7

Chapter 990 I Keep You, But You Are Gone 7
Gu Qian looked up and saw Lin Ruoyang running towards her.

It was raining heavily, and his vision was a bit blurred, but Gu Qian clearly recognized him.

Seeing him made her heart ache even more.

Lin Ruoyang ran over to hug her, Gu Qian desperately pushed him away, crying and shouting: "Lin Ruoyang? What are you doing here, you go, you go!"

"Qianqian, don't make trouble." Lin Ruoyang went to hug her.

But Gu Qian didn't appreciate it at all, and just pushed him forcefully: "Go, go and accompany your Ji Qianning! When I didn't let you go four years ago, you walked so gracefully, I finally forgot you , why do you appear in my life?"

Lin Ruoyang restrained her several times, picked her up in a hug, and walked towards the car.

Gu Qian beat him hard, crying hysterically: "I hate you, I hate you, why did you treat me like this! Do you know how I got here in the past four years? I finally forgot you... "


Lin Ruoyang paused, then carried her into the car.

Gu Qian didn't cooperate at all, and insisted on getting off after getting in the car.

She slammed on the window hard, but couldn't open the door.

Her body was soaked, her hair was messed up, and her eyes were all over her face. She cried very sadly, and smashed the car window more and more hard, as if she wanted to smash the car window.

Smashing, she lay helplessly in front of her and began to cry.

Seeing her crying like this, Lin Ruoyang felt pain in her heart as if being gouged out by a knife.

He reached out and hugged Gu Qian in his arms.

But Gu Qian was like a hedgehog, desperately pushing him away as if he was a malignant tumor.

Lin Ruoyang clamped her hands and kissed her fiercely.

"No, no, no, no..." Gu Qian struggled hard.

Lin Ruoyang kissed her fiercely, not letting go at all.

Gu Qian still struggled at first, but later on she lost her strength and just shed tears.

The emotion of Lin Ruoyang's kiss gradually became gentle, depicting the shape of her lips, kissing gently.

While kissing, a hot tear fell on his face, he froze for a moment, let her go, and looked at Gu Qian.

Gu Qian turned her head away, crying out of breath.

Lin Ruoyang looked at her for a while, and finally hugged her into his arms, rolling his Adam's apple, and said in a hoarse voice: "Qianqian, I don't want to explain anything to myself, but I just want to tell you that in my life, I only liked You, I only like you."

What to say to heal Qian Ning's leg.

It's just an excuse to try to stand at the same height as her and to be worthy of her.

Incompetent is incompetent, useless is useless, unworthy is unworthy, hurt is hurt.

But he can say what he likes her without any will.

He likes her, loves her, and in the four years since he left, she is the only one he likes and misses.

She is also his only motivation, every time he thinks of her, he wants to work harder, to be worthy of her.

Lin Ruoyang hugged her even tighter, and said in a deeper voice: "Qianqian, I know I hurt you, but I also don't feel well."

I don't know if these words have any effect, Gu Qian hugged him and cried: "Sister-in-law said that you will come back after curing Ji Qianning's leg, why are you still not coming back when she is cured? Lin Ruoyang, what do you want?" It's not that I just saw you two this time, is it that you will never come back in this life?"

(End of this chapter)

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