Chapter 221
This little Zi is really cunning and treacherous!
After coming from Eggy, Xiao Zi's black-bellied nature is evident!

Right now Xiaozi and Eggy were still talking about something, Mu Yunluo got up from the chair and walked towards them.

"I'm going to leave in a while, so get ready too."

"Okay!" Dandan and Xiaozi responded one after another, then jumped up and jumped on Mu Yunluo's body.

Mu Yunluo led them to the front yard.

There is where Wang Meng and others are.

At this moment, Wang Meng and the others were training, and when they saw Mu Yunluo approaching, they immediately stopped what they were doing.

"Miss Yunluo!" A group of teenagers shouted respectfully.

Mu Yunluo glanced over them. "I'm going to the imperial city soon."

"So fast?" Wang Meng and the others were startled.

"That's right, after leaving for a while, I will go to see the imperial city and ask the emperor to let you go too." Mu Yunluo said lightly.

These words made a group of teenagers go crazy!

None of them thought that they would one day enter the imperial city!
"Miss Yunluo, what you it true?" Someone asked in disbelief.

Mu Yunluo raised her red lips slightly, "Naturally, I promised you that I will definitely not break my promise."

As early as the very beginning, she promised them that as long as they treat her faithfully, she will lead them into the imperial city one day!
Mu Yunluo squinted slightly, looked at the excited group of people below, and smiled lightly. "I'll go first, and I'll come back to take you there in a while."

"Thank you, Miss Yunluo!"

"You don't have to thank me." Mu Yunluo shook her head lightly. "You didn't betray me."

When everyone heard the sound, they all looked at each other, and then, all of them knelt down on the ground in unison...

"Swear to follow Miss Yunluo!"

This posture was something Mu Yunluo had never seen before.

Seeing them like this, Mu Yunluo's heart was also full of enthusiasm——

"Okay, then after we enter the imperial city, we will make another success in the imperial city!"


Near noon, Mu Qingwei and Mu Qingfeng finally arrived.

Mu Yunluo put all the packed things into the space, and then walked out with Dandan and Xiaozi.

The moment she went out, she glanced at the spirit beasts in her hands, and couldn't help rolling her eyes——

Bringing two spirit beasts this time, why don't you be so cool!

"Master, aren't you learning weapon refining now? You can try to refine a spiritual weapon." Xiao Zi muttered while lying on her shoulder.

"Spiritual weapon, what is that?"

"It's a magic weapon that collects spirit beasts!" Xiao Zi responded. "It's always more convenient to have a spirit weapon. The master will definitely collect other spirit beasts in the future."

Listening to Xiao Zi's words, Mu Yun Luodandan nodded and responded lightly.

"Okay, then I'll go back and ask the sissy."

Zi Ye should know this.

"Great!" Just after Mu Yunluo answered, Xiao Zi cried out excitedly.

"Is that why you want to have a spiritual artifact?" Mu Yunluo squinted at it.

"Of course, with the spirit weapon, we don't have to stay with the master all day long. When the time comes, my wife and I will go in, and we can happily live in the world of two."

Mu Yunluo was still walking forward, but now she staggered when she heard Xiao Zi's words.

She looked at Xiao Zi's little thing very speechlessly...

For a long time, there was a stare. "Seeing the color and forgetting the Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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