The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 226 Nightmare 2

Chapter 226 Nightmare 2
"Okay, let's rest quickly after eating, and we have to hurry tomorrow morning." Mu Yunluo got up from the chair and walked to the bed next to her.

At this time, Xiao Zi had already eaten the elixir, and it belched lightly.

"Master, having said that, the yin energy here is indeed quite heavy."

It didn't forget what the man said just now, that on the night of the fifteenth day, there were ghosts.

"Could it be that if you don't rest, the one who should come won't come?" Mu Yunluo squinted at Xiao Zi.

After finishing speaking, she lay down directly on the bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep...

I have to say that she was really tired from the early morning rush to now.

Lying on the bed, after only a while, Mu Yunluo almost fell asleep.

Outside, the sky finally dimmed, and a full moon hung in the sky, shining the whole ground brightly!

It's quite cool tonight, with occasional gusts of wind that rustle the leaves outside!

Such a night, the silence is terrible!
Because it was the fifteenth day, many people did not dare to approach this place with the heaviest yin energy. As a result, this restaurant was even more gloomy and terrifying!
Right now, Mu Yunluo is resting on the bed.

By the door, Xiao Zi and Eggy were looking out through the crack of the door...

"Daughter-in-law, have you noticed anything strange?" Xiao Zi turned her head, looked at Eggy, and asked.

"No, but today, it seems to be very cold." Eggy said, shivering slightly!
Just at the end of their conversation, a strange cold wind passed by, and suddenly opened the side window, allowing the full moonlight outside to pour in.

Also at this time, a black mist cut through the moonlight and went straight to the bed where Mu Yunluo was!

Mu Yunluo didn't take any qi-separating pills. Naturally, anyone could sense her breath.

The black mist charged towards Mu Yunluo without hesitation.

Seeing this, Dandan and Xiaozi were startled!
"not good!"

At this moment, the two spirit beasts jumped up, trying to block the black mist.

However, before they got close, Mu Yunluo, who was still sleeping on the bed, suddenly opened her eyes!
The moonlight shone on her face, making her cold face look even more beautiful, not only that, but those dark eyes even radiated a cold light of coldness!
The moment the black mist struck, Mu Yunluo suddenly dodged to avoid the attack of the black mist!

The last time I encountered a ghost, this time, Mu Yunluo was a little surprised anyway!
As the black mist continued to attack, Mu Yunluo suddenly pulled out the Nine Heavens Sword.

The red light flickered, and her force converged on the blade of Jiutian Lingjian.

Standing up, she let out a low shout.

At that moment, the long sword pierced through the air!He just swiped through the black mist!
There was only a "hiss—"

Like the sound of breathing.

After that, the mist gathered into a black-faced imp!
Right now, it was half down on the ground, covering its body with one hand. Obviously, it was severely injured!

"You, a woman, actually have such great abilities? I just can't believe it!" The brat made a sharp voice, and then, from outside the window, more and more black mist poured in!
It only took a while, not only Mu Yunluo, but also Dandan and Xiaozi, were all surrounded by the black mist...

The situation of the scene seems very pessimistic!

(End of this chapter)

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