The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 261: I've Got a Problem 4

Chapter 261: I've Got a Problem 4
"If you want to know, please beg me!" After Mu Yunluo finished speaking, Zi Ye's very haughty voice sounded.

Mu Yunluo rolled her eyes——

Is this sissy feeling put on airs for him?
"Look, you still said that you are not a sissy, you are such a mother-in-law, so petty, you really look like a woman!"

"This seat is a pure man, not a sissy!" Zi Ye was furious. "Let me tell you, the second one on your left and the third and fifth ones on your right all have high-quality emeralds inside!"

"Okay... Got it." The corners of Mu Yunluo's lips couldn't stop rising, and her eyes were full of teasing.

After Zi Ye finished saying this, she wailed——

"This seat actually fell into your aggressive method! It's really embarrassing!"

Mu Yunluo could no longer control Ziye's wailing.

She raised her head and looked at the shop owner who was depressed because everyone dispersed.

"Boss, how do you sell this stone?"

What Mu Yunluo was pointing at was the second stone on the left.

This stone is huge and looks very rough, like the waste left over from the development of other stones.

The boss glanced at Mu Yunluo, looked at her clothes, and thought she was a little girl from a big family who came out to steal. "Little girl, do you really want this stone?"


"Forget it, I sold it to you cheaply, this stone costs 100 taels of silver, you can take it."

The lowest price in this Yushixuan is 100 taels of silver.

The boss is also a real person, he didn't want to cheat others, so he offered such a price.

"Okay!" Mu Yunluo smiled lightly and raised her lips.

"Boss, this one... this one... and this one... I want it all." She said as she casually picked four more stones.

You can't just buy only green stones!Otherwise, I'm afraid she will really be watched by someone.

Mu Yunluo bought five stones at once, which shocked the boss of Yushixuan.

Under this scene, the boss of Yushixuan even affirmed Mu Yunluo's identity——

A playful young lady.

"Okay, 500 taels, you can take it." The boss scanned the blanks that Mu Yunluo wanted, and said casually.

Those materials, one can tell at a glance that they are not good, and even if they think about it, they will not be green!
Mu Yunluo was so happy that she couldn't open her eyes.

"Boss, what you said, don't go back on your word!"

"I will never go back on my word." The boss said.

"Then... please ask the boss to untangle the stone for me." Mu Yunluo pointed to the first piece she bought, then raised her head cautiously. "Boss, be careful, don't damage the stone."

The boss didn't expect Mu Yunluo to care so much about this "waste", and immediately laughed a little.

"Little girl, to tell you the truth, these few stones are probably not good rough stones."

"Really?" Mu Yunluo smiled lightly. "Boss, just drive it for me, and I will take care of the rest!"

"Forget it, since you insist so much, I'll drive it for you." The boss shook his head and put the stone under the calender.

According to Mu Yunluo's idea, cut off one-fifth of the stone——

It's pitch black!
"Little girl, I'll just say it!"

Mu Yunluo shook her head. "Boss, cut the knife from the third!"

"Okay!" Right now, there are very few people in the Yushi Pavilion, only a few people and Second Master Song sitting on the side slumped.

After the boss responded, he cut the knife from one-third of the way!
After the knife went down, the boss suddenly froze in place...

(End of this chapter)

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