The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 319 Chapter robbing the warehouse!

Chapter 319 The Rhythm of Looting the Warehouse!

Following behind Situ Chang, the three master and apprentice left the shop.

After they all left, all the servants in the shop heaved a sigh of relief.

The two went to the inner room and looked at the medicinal materials inside.

But at that moment, his expression completely changed.

Look at that inner room!The boy was stunned, swallowing his saliva——

This... is this too tough? ?
The best medicinal materials in the entire inner room were actually taken away by them!
At this moment, the two boys looked at each other.

"What should I do? Do you want to inform Master Situ?" one of the servants asked.

The other one frowned slightly, "No, it's not that you didn't hear what Master Situ said just now, he said, let those two people take whatever they want, if we report it to him, I'm afraid Master Situ will blame us for meddling in our own business."

"Well, that makes sense." The man responded. "Master Situ himself said to take whatever you want, we don't care what to do with it."

After saying that, the two servants looked at the inner room again, then closed the door, and retreated out!

But on the other side.

Situ Chang took Elder Tianji and his party happily to the Situ Mansion.

Walking ahead, his steps were extremely low and brisk, and the smile on his face couldn't stop rising!

He could almost predict the prosperity of Situ Mansion in the future!
Not to mention whether old man Tianji could take a fancy to his precious son and take him in as a disciple, just the news that old man Tianji had visited Situ's mansion would cause a commotion.

Think about it... His mood is getting better and better.

After about half an hour, they finally arrived at Situ's Mansion.

Situ Mansion is currently the second largest family in Chiyan Kingdom, and its mansion is also extremely magnificent!
"Come here, old man Tianji, please come in." Upon arriving at the mansion, Situ Chang greeted them graciously, and led them to the hall!

In the hall, Mu Yunluo couldn't wait.

"Master Situ, just now you said that there are better medicinal materials in the warehouse in this house..."

"Oh... yes! Yes!" Situ Chang repeatedly responded. "Sit down for a while, I'll order someone to take you there later."

"No need." Mu Yunluo smiled slightly. "I came to your house to pick up something."

Mu Yunluo was not polite to him either.

Old Man Tianji naturally turned to Mu Yunluo, "Well, you and Duanmu go to the warehouse first."

"Well, that's good!" Situ Chang asked, and responded, and then, after ordering a servant, after a while, a housekeeper hurried over.

"You take the two distinguished guests to the warehouse and let them choose the medicinal materials."

"Yes, sir!"

The butler responded and took Mu Yunluo and Duan Mujinchen to the same place...

On the way, Duanmu Jinchen turned his head and looked at Mu Yunluo beside him with some amusement.

This little girl, this action can be said to have completely surprised him!
It never occurred to him that when she was in that shop just now, she managed to put all those herbs into her bag, and now, she was going to that warehouse again...


He really wants to mourn the Situ family...

I really don't know how miserable Situ's warehouse will be in a while!
Situ's house is huge.

After twists and turns, going around for a quarter of an hour, they still haven't reached the warehouse yet.

Just before arriving at a small corridor near the water in the warehouse, unexpectedly, I met an unexpected guest...

(End of this chapter)

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