The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 362 Flying Unicorn

Chapter 362 Flying Unicorn

Yin Zhengde finally asked his own doubts. "Luoluo, this...what the hell is going on?"

"As you can see." Mu Yunluo turned her head slightly and raised her eyebrows. "Grandpa, he is not a fool!"

Not a fool! !
These four words fell on Yin Zhengde's heart like thunder!
This idiot prince is not stupid!
Thinking of Mu Yunluo's various reactions to the marriage offered by the king, and everything that happened last night, Yin Zhengde suddenly realized.

He slapped his head violently, then laughed.

"Haha! Luoluo, you already knew about this, right? That's why you didn't ask me to divorce the king? must have known each other a long time ago, right?"

As soon as Yin Zhengde said this, Bei Mingche spoke up. "Oh—so...the lady didn't want grandpa to withdraw the engagement? I didn't expect, lady, you want to marry me in such a hurry!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head slightly and leaned against Mu Yunluo's ear.

A faint heat came out, making Mu Yunluo's complexion slightly hot.

She gritted her teeth and kicked towards Bei Mingche. "Bei Mingche, you...enough."

Bei Mingche's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he dodged him all at once.

"Miss... You still have to murder your husband!"

"Bei Mingche, say one more thing, and I'm going to divorce the engagement!"

Mu Yunluo sweated wildly.

In front of this black-bellied man, she has always been at a disadvantage.

However, as soon as she spoke, Bei Mingche suddenly became quiet.

He held Mu Yunluo in one hand. "Okay, lady... let's stop making trouble."

He hugged Mu Yunluo tightly, letting Mu Yunluo struggle

On the side, Yin Zhengde looked at the two of them, he couldn't take his eyes off his smile.

These days, the Yin family has too many happy events.

First, the two grandsons recovered completely, and now, his Luoluo also has a good home...

The two people in front of them finally fell silent.

Yin Yunluo turned her head away, "Grandpa, he's not stupid, please don't reveal it to the outside world for now."

"Don't worry, I know, I'm not a fool." Yin Zhengde smiled happily.

Although he didn't know why Bei Mingche pretended to be like this.

However, it was rumored like this outside, there must be his difficulties.

After hearing what Yin Zhengde said, Yunluo was completely relieved.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured to hand the lady into my hands, I won't let her suffer any grievances." Bei Mingche said while holding Yunluo's hand tightly with one hand.

Yin Zhengde just continued to smile...


Yin Yunluo followed Bei Mingche and left the Yin family.

The flying unicorn pulled a sedan chair straight into the sky.

Inside the sedan chair, Beimingche and Yunluo were leaning on one side.

"My lady... You see, my father thinks so much about you, and even specially asked me to bring a flying unicorn to pick you up. You know, flying unicorns are only enjoyed by my father when he travels." Bei Mingche lazily He leaned to one side, raised his eyes lightly, and smiled softly.

Yunluo pursed her lips.

However, she suddenly thought of something. "By the way, these flying beasts are very valuable?"

"Of course." Bei Mingche lightly rubbed the jade wrench on his ten fingers, "Flying beasts are the most precious beasts in the world, and their number is very small. What's the matter? Lady... what's your idea?"

Seeing the treachery on the corner of Yunluo's lips, Bei Mingche knew that there was a plot in her mind.

Sure enough, the next moment, Mu Yunluo could only hear her speak lightly. "I remember... that old bastard Mu Ao also has one."

(End of this chapter)

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