The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 389 Smash it all!

Chapter 389 Smash it all!
Hearing the sound, those people looked at each other and smiled, all of them pretending to be shocked.

Afterwards, one of the leaders laughed uncontrollably.

"Hahaha!! What did I hear? The second young master of the Yin family actually said that he wanted us to look good? Hey? Tell me, did I hear wrong just now?"

"That's right, that's what he said." A person behind immediately responded.

In an instant, the group of people who came to make trouble laughed more and more wildly...

Yin Junhe has a strong self-esteem.

After finally recovering his dantian, but now being ridiculed like this again, he finally couldn't stand it, so he jumped up...

"Bastards! If you dare to behave wildly in my Yin family's territory, I will make you pay the price!"

The moment Teng stood up, Yin Junhe used eight percent of his strength.

Although he had just recovered his strength, but with the elixir given by Yunluo to recuperate his body, within a short period of time, Yin Junhe's strength had already reached the fifth level of the earth level.

However, such strength is far inferior to this group of people...

Therefore, when he confronted that group of people, he was immediately shocked by the force coming from the opposite side and straightened back.

The group of people were surprised at Yin Junhe's sudden recovery to such a strength, and then they saw Yin Junhe's defeat, and they sneered wildly. "See? Trash is trash! Haha... Brothers, let's smash it! Let's smash this cloth shop! The more you smash, the better!"

The leader gave an order, and immediately, the group of people behind continued to move their hands.

Yin Junhe was on the side, trembling with anger, but he was always powerless.

The rest of the servants in the cloth shop didn't dare to go forward at all.

They have all seen how powerful these gangsters are just now, who would dare to step forward so easily?

In desperation, I was just at a loss on the sidelines...

There is no way, Yin Zhengde, the master of the Yin family, has been in seclusion for the past two days, and he can't get out at all. The Yin family may be in danger this time.

When everyone was extremely anxious, suddenly there were a few footsteps from outside, and then there was a clear voice——

"Yo, is it very lively here?"

Hearing this voice, the group of people stopped what they were doing and looked around, but they could see a man and a woman standing side by side.

The woman folded her arms around her chest, smiling in a half-smile.

The man leaned tightly against the woman, as if frightened.

"Cousin!" When he saw the person coming, Yin Junhe rushed forward as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

And his cry made everyone present realize that this... is the granddaughter of the Yin family, Yin Yunluo!

But Yin Yunluo, she stood where she was, and when she saw Yin Junhe approaching her, she gave him a look, signaling him not to act rashly.

Afterwards, she stepped forward, her thin lips curled slightly, and the smile on her face grew even wider.

However, only those who are familiar with her know that the brighter her smile, the more dangerous she is....

"Everyone is so elegant, you actually came to smash things in our Yin's cloth workshop. Why, is there too much resentment and anger on weekdays, and there is nowhere to release it?" Yin Yunluo raised her eyebrows and said casually as she glanced at the crowd. with.

Among the group of people who paused in place, some people came back to their senses.

Immediately, in twos and threes, everyone was relieved.

The man in the lead looked at Yin Yunluo and just sneered.

He never cared about Yin Yunluo at all.

Master Lin said, now, with the princess here, they can do everything unscrupulously towards the Yin family, and they don't have to worry about the relationship between the city emperor and the Yin family anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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