The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 439 Master, are you slapping your face?

Chapter 439 Master, are you slapping your face?

"That's right, that's right, girl Yunluo, why don't you say hello to Daoist Zhongnan?" Cheng Huang laughed.

Yunluo nodded when she heard the sound, "Hello, Mr. Zhongnan."

As she said that, she turned her head lightly, and her eyes fell on the old man Tianji who was beside the chief of Zhongnan Road.

Today's old man Tianji looks extraordinarily energetic.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to meet the princess, so he purposely put on new clothes. The blue silk gown made him look younger.

But now, he opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and stared slightly, as if he had seen a ghost!
"Master... what's the matter? Are you unhappy seeing your apprentice?" Yunluo looked at him, raised her brows slightly, and said jokingly.

She still remembered that old man Tianji boasted to her that day, and wanted to compare her with the princess...

Look, right now, isn't it just a slap in the face?

Old Man Tianji swallowed, his expression changed, and after a long time, he made a sound in disbelief. "Girl, you, are you the princess?"

"En." Yunluo nodded.

Old Man Tianji's expression was broken.

Thinking of what I said that day, I was so embarrassing.

At the same time, he glared at Yunluo fiercely. "You stinky girl, why didn't you tell me?"

"Master, didn't you ask?" Yunluo pursed her lips and said.

Old Man Tianji was at a loss for words.

After a brief silence, he smiled heartily.

Then, he turned his head to look at Daoist Zhongnan. "Old man Zhong Nan, do you still remember my apprentice I told you earlier? Nun, it's her! This is my peerless apprentice!"

When he said this, Old Man Tianji's tone was full of pride.

Daoist Zhongnan looked Yunluo up and down, for a long time, just said. "It's not a simple person who can be attracted by Tianji and accepted as a female disciple exceptionally."

As he said that, he looked at the time, "Master City Emperor, it's almost time now, come in with the old Taoist."

"it is good!"

The Emperor of the City heard the sound and brought Yunluo in.

Brahma Pavilion is one of the mysterious existences on this continent.

The reason why it exists is because it is at the end of Zhongnan Mountain.

At the end of the south, the smoke is lingering.

These so-called smokes are actually seals.

If you break in rashly, you will even be trapped here and cannot come out.

Over the years, countless people have attempted to break into this place, but they all failed to return.

This time, the reason why Chenghuang and Yunluo were able to come in was because Daoist Zhongnan opened the way for them in advance, so they arrived here smoothly.

Yunluo followed behind them, looking around.

But I can see the smog around it, floating like a fairyland!
Brahma Pavilion is not big, but there is a sense of mystery everywhere.

The corridor twists and turns, following behind them, within a short time, they have already arrived at their destination.

"City Emperor. Princess Huang, pray for blessings, right here." Daoist Zhongnan said.

The City Emperor nodded. "Okay, then I will trouble you, Mr. Zhongnan."

"No matter where, it's an honor for a veteran to work for the emperor and princess." Daoist Zhong Nan bowed his head and said.

The so-called blessing is to drive away the evil spirits on her body and save her from disasters.

According to rumors, Taoist Zhong Nan's prophecy was very accurate.

It was also because of this that the Emperor Cheng brought Yunluo here, wanting to keep her safe for the rest of her life.

Daoist Zhongnan walked ahead and brought Yunluo into a small hall.

Inside the hall, resplendent and resplendent.

On the walls on all sides, there are all kinds of beasts and beasts.

They have different expressions, but, without exception, they are very lifelike!

Mounted on the wall, these beasts seem to fly away.

Yunluo's sight has long been attracted by these beasts.

Just as she was watching carefully, Daoist Zhong Nan suddenly stopped in front of her, turned her head, and made a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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