The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 494 Yunluo... don't be angry anymore

Chapter 494 Yunluo... don't be angry anymore

When the person who was called Old Ge below heard it, his beard was straight up with anger!

This young master is indeed a dou who cannot be supported!

He moved his beard again, and wanted to say something more, but Baili Fengyun above him waved his hand.

"Okay, let's leave, everyone. If we don't invade the Raging Flame Mercenary Group, the Raging Flame Mercenary Group can't do anything to us? It's so early, everyone should hurry back and catch up on sleep."

Saying that, Baili Fengyun yawned fiercely again, then stood up and walked inside.

His clothes were hanging loosely on his body, and the whole person looked at him, exuding a lazy atmosphere.

Every step forward, the footsteps seem to be a little unsteady.

In this way, the people below sighed.

If it wasn't for the old leader's will, they really wanted to choose someone else!
However, the old leader is really good at leading the dark mercenary group, and is deeply respected by everyone.

It is also because of this that they honor his will...

"Old Ge, what should we do now? We can't let a new regiment really ride on top of us, can we?" After Baili Fengyun walked away, a group of people began to worry about it again.

Hearing this, Elder Ge narrowed his eyes.

"I'd like to see who is leading the flame mercenary group!"

When the words fell, he flicked his sleeves and went outside!


But at this moment, the Yin family.

After experiencing yesterday's misfortune, Yunluo and the others seemed to be extremely tired, and they didn't wake up from their dreams one by one until the sun was high.

Sunlight has penetrated through the window and scattered all over the room.

Yunluo faintly woke up from her sleep, stretched lightly, and got up.

After grooming, she pushed open the door.

The moment she pushed the door, a heavy object suddenly fell backwards.

Yunluo was startled suddenly, and avoided it!
There was a person leaning against her door!

Even... the moment she pushed the door open, the person leaning on the door fell backwards. Fortunately, Yunluo had quick eyesight and quick hands, and grabbed him quickly, otherwise, he would really fall to the ground .

After Yunluo saw the man clearly, she suddenly rolled her eyes——

"Little monk, is it you? What are you doing here so early?"

That's right, the person here is the little monk Sanskrit.

Right now, he is scratching his head lightly, lowering his head, with a grievance on his face...

"Benefactor Yunluo...I...I want to come and admit my mistake to you. But, I came too early and accidentally fell asleep leaning against the door."

Relying on to fall asleep?
The corner of Yunluo's lips twitched lightly.

She never thought that the little monk would come to admit his mistake!

But... Thinking of what happened yesterday, Yunluo was really angry.

This stupid monk actually went out with Yin Junxiang!

"I know I'm wrong?" Yunluo narrowed her eyes lightly.

"I know I was wrong!" At this moment, Sanskrit nodded fiercely like a child who has done something wrong. "Benefactor Yunluo, don't be angry, okay?"

Seeing him like a child, Yunluo suddenly wanted to tease him.

"If you don't get angry, then you have to find a way to make me not angry!" He deliberately held his breath and said.

"Then..." Fanyin's eyeballs rolled around, as if he suddenly thought of something. "Benefactor, you invited me to dinner the first two times. Today, I invite you, okay?"

"You invite me?" Yunluo looked at him with some amusement.

"Yes, I invite you!" Fanyin nodded emphatically. "I treat you to the best food! You come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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