The world's first proud concubine

Chapter 556 Crossing the West Sea

Chapter 556 Crossing the West Sea
"For so many years, no one has dared to cross the West Sea. Even if someone dares to cross the past, they will never return. It is said that there is a monster in the middle of the West Sea..." The boss said, swallowed, and then expressed some concern. Look at the few people in front of you.

Although he also wants to do this business, people have conscience, and he still doesn't want to watch them die.

The boss's concern caught Yunluo and the others' eyes.

Yunluo and Beimingche looked at each other, thinking that this boss is a real person.

However, in any case, they must go!

Moreover, since the members of the Star Sect were able to obtain the petals of the flower of the West Sea to make poison, it meant that they had also been there before.

In this way, they will go even more.

"Boss, this is 100 taels of silver, you keep it." Yunluo reached out and handed the silver to the boss.

The boss looked at Yinzi, his eyes widened——

"So you're still going?"

"En." Yunluo nodded slightly.

"Girl, I didn't joke with you just now..." The boss tried to dissuade him again.

Yunluo looked at him and just smiled. "Boss, it's okay, we will come, and we will definitely return your boat to you."

Hearing this, the boss felt that they thought they were worried that they would not be able to return the boat and continued to make noise, but Yunluo took out a bottle of elixir. "Here, here is the elixir. This elixir is much more valuable than this boat. Even if the boat doesn't come back, you won't lose money."

The boss took the pill and glanced at it casually.

Finally, sigh.

"Okay, since you are determined to cross, then I can't stop you. Someone once saw a ghost on the sea in the middle of the night. Remember to be careful at night."

Yunluo and the others nodded, and then boarded the boat directly, intending to start heading to the other end.

In situ, the boss looked at them and just sighed helplessly.

After that, he casually placed the bottle in his hand on the edge of the table.

The boss only thought that the medicine bottle contained some ordinary pills.

If he were to know that the auction price of this elixir in the market is even tens of thousands of taels, he would be shocked immediately...


The sun is clearly very bright.

However, through that layer of mist, when the sun shines down, half of the bright sunlight is abruptly cut off, and when it shines on the body, it feels extremely bleak.

In response to the wind, the three of them walked forward.

This boat is truly the best around here.

Sail up, follow the wind, and go straight in one direction.

Right now we are still in the shallow water of the West Sea, and we can still see all kinds of small boats fishing for spar.

Just as they continued to move forward, suddenly, the bottom of their boat was hit by a heavy object.

Immediately afterwards, from a small boat on one side, seven or eight men in black rushed up...

The seven or eight men in black are obviously well-trained.

Just boarded the boat, and surrounded the cabin.

Yunluo and the others are resting in the cabin.

As early as the moment the group of people boarded the boat, they had already noticed the aura of these people.

Leaning lightly on the chair, Bei Mingche's thin lips slightly raised, and his fingers tapped the table rhythmically——






After counting in detail, he opened his eyes with a bit of a smile in them. "Eight people..."

After his words fell, a cold voice sounded outside, "Listen, people inside, you are surrounded!"

(End of this chapter)

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