Chapter 561 Medusa

This monster was obviously extremely ugly, but he said that Yunluo and Beimingche were as good-looking as she was.

This... is simply insulting his two apprentices!
After Old Man Tianji's words, a powerful hostility suddenly burst out from the monster in mid-air.

"Shut up!!"

But after hearing a hoarse roar, the next moment, a strong red light flashed again from the monster in front of him.

The intense red light struck towards the big ship again.

Even with the protection of the protective cover, it was obvious that the monster was angry. The lethality was far stronger than before, and a hole was smashed out of the big ship.

Then, only her voice was heard——

"I'm not ugly, I used to be the most beautiful woman in the world, I'm Medusa, how can I be ugly?"

She is Medusa? !
The moment they heard these three words, the three of them were startled!
Originally, I thought that this was just a legendary figure, but I didn't expect it to be true!


Medusa used to be a very beautiful beauty. Because of her excessive arrogance and self-confidence, she stood in front of the gods and shouted loudly that she was more beautiful than the gods. Because she angered the gods, she was turned into a snake demon. .

The eyes of the three people below are changing.

But Medusa laughed again——

"Didn't you say I'm ugly? Very good! Then I'll make you uglier than me!"

The next moment, she widened her eyes.

The red light was dazzling, and countless rays of light burst out from her eyes, shooting straight in the direction of these four people!
Medusa is really angry!

This devastating momentum was something they had never expected before.

On the surface of the sea, there are waves one after another.

The big boat that had already broken a hole had begun to seep slowly into the water...

At the same time, Medusa made a move and directly attacked them.

Her attack was very fierce, Yun Luo and the others were not her opponents at all.

Although the old man Tianji is about to step into the realm of heaven, there is nothing he can do in front of Medusa...

At this moment, in front of Medusa, they are nothing but ants!

The wind howls.

Medusa's snake head began to wave outwards, and finally, the three snake heads brought all three of them up at once...

"Haha... As I said, I am the king of the West Sea! No one can do anything to me! Since you have insulted me, you must pay the corresponding price!"

Her voice was very clear.

However, this voice is very penetrating in the night sky.

She looked at the three people caught by her, and smiled softly.

After a long time, it began to sink into the water...

After she completely submerged in the water, calmness was restored on the surface of the sea again...

And at this moment, on the shore of the West Sea.

The boss who originally leased the boat to Yunluo and the others saw the red dots flashing in the distance, and his eyes were full of regret——

He knew that for those three people, this time, it might be more of a disaster than a blessing!

Yunluo and the others felt that they had passed through a world of ice and fire.

It was obviously in the sea before.

But right now, he was suddenly taken to a scorchingly hot place.

They were put into a space by Medusa, and it was so dark that they couldn't see anything clearly.

After an unknown amount of time, they were finally released, and there was finally light in front of them!
At the moment of release, the three of them were shocked when they saw the surrounding scene...

(End of this chapter)

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